Let the battle begin

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Pan's P.O.V.
They flew into the camp, landing in the trees and areas around the camp. Felix, Borra, Winter, Juniper and Eden landed in the center of the camp. Felix looked at me as if asking to speak and I nod. Felix gestures for me to come up which I did.

"For many of us, these last few weeks have been confusing with people returning out of the blue, old enemies and the question of which side we should take. But today, we stand together."

"Fey and Lost must join together if we have any chance of beating the enemy. We are not the enemy! They are our enemy! They came on our land, threatening our peace and taking whatever they wish from us!" I yell, many boys and Fey nodding or chanting in agreement.

"Now we have stayed quiet long enough. It's
time to take back our nest!" Felix steps forward.

"And it is time to take back our island!" I do the same.

"Today, we are no longer Dark Fey and Lost boy. Today, we are one tribe, one nest, one team fighting against the same enemy. Today, we are the wings of the lost! And we will stand for what is ours!" Felix yelled as boys and Fey chant in agreement, raising their weapons.

"So sharpen your swords,"

"And prepare yourself. For tomorrow we attack."

Eden's P.O.V.
The candles flicker in the dimly lit room. I brushed my hair as I looked in the mirror. I don't know how ready I was for any of this, a war, my sister, the Fey. It's all a lot to handle.

"Are you alright?" Peter wraps his arms around me from behind. I set my brush down, sighing.

"I don't know." I admit.

"What's wrong?" He asked, kissing my neck. I rest my head on his chest, giving him more room.

"Nothing." I looked up at him, kissing his lips lightly. Peter's eyes fluttered closed as I trace his jaw.

"Are you sure?" He mumbled against my lips, holding my chin in between his fingers. I looked up at him with my eyes have closed. I could see the darkness in his eyes, his vision clouded with lust. Peter was my one true love and if I died tomorrow, I wanted to truly lose myself to him by my choice, not someone who forces me down while I was forced. I wanted him and only him.

"Yes." I breath. His arm wraps around me, pulling me into his chest. I rest my hand on his chest, placing my wings is as the night faded away.

I closed my eyes as Juniper drags her fingers down my eyes with the paint. I opened my eyes as Peter walked into the little living room.

"Are you ready for today?" Peter asked, handing the tea to me. I narrow my eyes at him. "Mint tea, no sugar no honey and extra you know what." I happily take the cup from him.

"Thank you." I take a sip.

"What's in that? Some drug you don't want the boys to know about?" Juniper asked.

"No. When she first got bit she had to go to Storybrooke. So I let her have my blood so she would only be dependent on my blood and I wouldn't need to find a Lost boy dead. Just thought since we are facing an enemy, she could use the boost." Peter explained.

"You have wings, magic, and amazing fighting skills. You don't need a little boost from a vampire." Juniper said.

"I know. But it helps." I shrug. Someone knocks on the door, walking in. "Emma." I smiled, setting the cup down and hugging her.

"Hey." She smiled as I pulled back. "Ready for today?"

"I don't know." I admit.

"It's your first war, it's to be expected." Emma told me.

"Hopefully her last. Both Fey and Lost are completely tame until threatened and neither of us like war." Juniper shakes her head.

"And we train the boys for a fight but we hope to never use those skills. It frightens me what will happen today." Peter crosses his arms. I put a hand on his shoulder, letting him settle down.

"Anyways, that boy Nate is gone." Emma said.

"What? Why would he......" Peter trailed off, looking at me with a look I knew by heart. He figured something out.

"Why do I feel like he knows something about Sam?" I asked.

"Or joining him. We need to get out here and get rid of Sam before anything happens." Emma said.

"Come on, Felix is waiting for us." Juniper, Peter and I left the treehouse, walking down the steps and into the camp. Everyone turned to look at us. The Fey were in the trees that surround the camp, the boys on the ground. Felix and Winter were by the fire. We walk over to Felix and Winter as my sister pulled me aside.

"Emma what are you doing?" I asked at her strange behavior. Emma closed her eyes as her red jacket and tank top turns into a black tank top and a black leather jacket, her hair a grayish color as black wings spread behind her. "Whoa." I breath as Emma opened her eyes.

"Perks of the Dark One I guess." She admits. "Look if you're going into the sky, I'm coming with."

"Emma we need you on the ground." I tried to convince her. She didn't know what will go on up there and I didn't want her to get hurt.

"I'm not taking no for an answer."


"Eden." Peter hissed. Emma and I looked at him as he gestures to come over to him. I ignore my sister and turn to Peter, running to his side.

"I will be leading the Forest Clan with Maleficent." Felix called.

"I will be leading the Winter Clan." Winter said.

"I will be leading the Jungle Clan with Juniper." I open my wings a little.

"I will be leading the ground troops. Lost Boys shall be with me." Peter calmed.

"They're here!" A Fey called. Everyone looked in the sky at the swarm of wings coming to the island.

"I'll see you when this is all over." Peter pecks my lips.

"Come back to me." I looked up at him.

"I always do." He smirks. I spread my wings, flying off with Juniper as the group follows us. Felix and the rest take off with us as I leave Peter behind. I glanced back to see he was hiding the boys in the jungle.

The group gets closer and closer until finally we clash, white wings against brown, feathers flying everywhere. Screams became music along with yelling while everyone found someone to try to kill but we all knew we were just destructing each other. This battle was only between two people. Felix and Sam.

The wings of the lost. A ouat PeterPan Maleficent storyWhere stories live. Discover now