Blood for blood

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Pan's P.O.V.
The taste of blood filled my senses and I was more alive than ever. I knew it would be hard to control myself for the taste of blood but I wouldn't think about that now. I glanced at Teresa at the entrance of the cave, smirking. I did what I had to but only to protect my Lost girl.

Eden's cries filled my ears, her increasing heart rate filling my ears as I pull away from her. Eden covered her neck, looking at me as I lick the blood from my lips. She collapsed into my arms as I was quick to catch her, holding her bridal style. I teleported to Emma's camp as she quickly found me.

"Eden!" Emma ran over to us, attacking the heroes to follow her. Hook took her from me and carefully set her next to the fire.

"What did you do?" Snow looked at me after seeing her neck.

"He bit her to save her life." Emma said. Her voice wasn't angry like her parents but understanding since she knew it had to be done.

"Emma what are you talking about?" Charming asked his daughter. Emma turned to me.

"Pan isn't just an immortal boy."

Emma's P.O.V.
My parents looked at me with question, clearly not getting any of this which I understood. Pan glanced at me, as if telling me it was alright to tell them what he is. "Pan, he's different. A vampire bit him when he first came here and he's never tasted blood. But she gave him a choice. Turn Eden or she kills her. Despite what you think, Pan saved Eden's life."

"So what? Eden's going to go around town biting people like female Dracula?" Regina crossed her arms. Pan looked at her at the mention of Eden leaving the island.

"Guys why don't you go get the ship ready. I'll catch up with you." I said. My parents and Regina got their belongings, heading down to the ship so it was just me and Pan. Hook had taken Eden as well, as Pan watched his every move.

"Emma explain." Pan snarls.

"Eden wanted to tell you but she couldn't. She's going to come to town with us for a bit, just until she can get her life figured out,"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Pan just got more abs more upset.

"She only sees the good in people like I said. So to see such evil in you, and to have her love you all at the same time is really really hard for her to wrap her head around. There are times that you need to be there for her and protect her with everything you are but there are also moments where you need to back off and let her write her own story. Let her come to you."

"And you know this how?" He scoffs, crossing his arms at me.

"Because it's what Hook did. He was willing to wait for me while I chose between him and Neal. The best you can do is wait for her for a few weeks and let her come to terms with everything."

"Emma." Snow called me, telling me it was time to go but I ignored her, turning back to Pan.

"When Eden wakes up, she'll be a vampire yes?"

"Yes." Pan nods simply. "But she's a newborn meaning she's new to this life. She'll want blood but she can't have it."

"And why's that?"

"Vampire blood. She'll need blood but if she's able to put it aside until she comes back, I can feed her."

"Is that even safe?" I shake my head.

"If she drinks only the blood from a vampire, it will keep her from wanting anything else. It's the safest bet she has."

"Okay, I'll see what I can do." I nod, heading out of the clearing and out of Neverland.

Eden's P.O.V.
I stir in my sleep, opening my eyes as I see I was on some sort of ship. Something licked my hand and I see it was Archer, wagging his tail happily. "Hey." I smile weakly, turning my head to the sides but the pain stops me. Archer nuzzled his head under my hand. I chuckle, petting him. I felt guilty for having to leave Peter and the island but I needed a break to figure things out.

"Eden?" The voice caused me to look up at Peter, the first thing giving him away was the sent of his blood.

"I thought you were back on the island."

"So desperate to get rid of me?" He smiled, causing me to do the same.

"No." I chuckled. Peter sits next to me on the bed.

"How does it feel being a vampire?"

"Like I want blood." I answer.

"Well, I can help if you want."

"Please." I jump at the offer like a steak being offered to a hungry lion.

"My blood can keep you from wanting anyone else's blood, keep your family from your bite."

"You want to offer your blood to me so I'm not full vampire?"

"It will help, yes." He nods. I bite my lip, considering if I should really do this. I knew that if I did take his offer, Emma would be safe from me but I also didn't know if he wasn't telling me everything.

"Alright, I'll do it." I sigh. I glance down, hearing as he took out his dagger, cutting his wrist. The sent got stronger and I felt my eyes change to red. I sunk my teeth into his wrist, the taste of blood which I would usually despise now awakening my senses like they've never been before. Backing away a few moments later, I wipe the blood from my mouth, thanking Peter with a smile. He nods in return, jerking his head to look around.

"I have to go. I'll see you when you get back." He kissed my head, disappearing without another word as I was left alone.

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