The truest beliver

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Eden's P.O.V.
Seeing my sister again caused me to be at a loss for words and I had so many questions for Peter like how he was able to find her and what happened and everything else but now I was just focused on my little sister although I think I'm now the little sister.

"I'll be in the tree house when you're done." Peter whispers, walking past me.

"So why are you here, how did you get here?"

"Uh I actually came here with a few friends. I was coming here to find you and then my son got really sick so we hope Pan can help."

"Son?" The word caught me off guard a bit.

"Yeah, he actually told me about you and helped me get here. But Cruella De Vil did something to him and now he's in really bad shape. He doesn't have a lot of time. Pan was actually aware we were coming and offered to help." I glance down, wondering why Peter wouldn't tell me why my sister was coming to the island.

"I'm sure Peter would be happy to help." I smile, my sister smiling in return. "I can go get him."

"Yeah." She nods.

"Kay, stay here. I'll be right back." I turn around, opening my wings as I fly to the tree house, keeping my wings close as I duck through the trees, flying to the balcony. Opening the door, I walk in, getting Peter to turn around. "You knew Emma would come here and you didn't bother telling me?" I ask.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know it would be your sister. And when I realized Henry was sick and dying, I had to act. I had to get him here before it was too late." He walked over to me.

"Yeah. Emma actually wanted to see if you could help him now."

"Of course." He nods. We head to the door, Peter opening it for me as I step out of the door. "And by the way, I didn't mean to keep her from you." He whispers on my neck, something sharp scraping my skin. I get away from him, smiling nervously. We head back over to Emma who was leaning against a tree, turning to look at us.

"Thanks for helping, Pan."

"Of course. Where is he?"

"Back at my camp. Come on." She heads into the jungle as we follow.

"So why are you willing to help Henry if you didn't know he was my nephew?" I keep my voice low, my wings dragging behind me.

"Henry is different. I've known about him long before even you were born. Back when Gold was just the coward of the village. Henry has the heart of the truest believer. He was supposed to be the one who's heart keeps me alive. But since I turned into a vampire, he's of no use to me. But we have been keeping in touch and he's now a close friend of mine."

"And how will Felix feel about Henry replacing him?" I joke.

"Cute love, real cute." Peter smirks. Emma glanced at back at me as I walk up to her.

"So how long have you had wings?"

"I don't know, time doesn't really matter here. Maybe a few weeks."

"Cool. I guess I pictured you as a pretty pretty princess."

"Yeah, I guess. I didn't know what to expect when I met you."

"Well that makes both of us. It was a hard life, growing up in the system and always getting picked on. I just had to get strong and protect myself. Joined the police force and kept to myself a lot."

"That's amazing. You really know how to get around."

"Yeah, I guess it is. Here, he's right through there." We walk into a small clearing where a little camp was set up. A tent was in the corner, a lantern lighting it. I glance back at Peter as I saw panic flash through his eyes.

"Hey." I look at him, catching his attention as he looked at me. "You can do this."

"I know, I just don't want to."

Pan's P.O.V.
The three of us walk into the tent, Hook looking up at me. I glared at him, but Eden kicks me.

"I thought you had forgotten about me." Henry jokes. "Who's your friend?" He looks at Eden.

"I'm Eden. I hear you helped my sister find me. Thank you."

"I know what it's like to not have family. You deserved it."

"Well I can't thank you enough."

"How far has the poison gotten?" I ask, turning to Emma.

"He would be dead by next month."

"Alright, I need to talk to you alone." I gesture out of the tent as Emma and I went outside and away from ear shot.

"Just say it." Emma crosses her arms.

"I can help him with the water from the spring but you know the price after what happened with Hook's brother."

"Hook's brother?"

"He didn't tell you?" I ask.

"Tell me what?"

"Hook came here before, when he worked in another realm and the king wanted Dreamshade for himself. I said he was ruthless and things were said. Liam got cocky and went to the spring where there were thorns of Dreamshade. He cut himself with it and right then died. Hook wouldn't let go and I felt sorry for him so I let him get the water. I warned him of the price but he didn't understand and as soon as he and his brother left the realm, Liam was gone. If Henry takes what I can give him, he can't leave Neverland or he will die. And it won't be painless."

Emma thinks over the options, kicking at the dirt. "He doesn't have much time. Being on the island will keep him alive a few weeks longer but the poison will catch up to him and soon kill him."

"Fine. But don't tell him. He doesn't need this on him as well."

"Understood." I nod. We head back into the tent and the chatter goes quiet. "Tonight, you are invited to the camp to enjoy the night. The life of a lost one."

"Whoa. Cool." Henry smiled.

"Okay settle down kid. Pan, are you sure about this?" Emma asked, looking at me. I nod simply.

"If anything were to go wrong, Felix, Borra and I will make sure that Henry gets to safety." Eden assured Henry.

"Borra?" Henry asked.

"He's a Dark Fey. You know," Eden opens her wings slightly. "Fairies."

"Hey I've read about those, didn't they die out?"

"Nope. We have a few in our camp and I think Felix will like you." Eden chuckled, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Well then, I look forward to having you in camp." I glance at Eden as I gesture for her to meet me outside. I head outside and let Eden say goodbye to her sister. Eden meets me outside and we start the walk back to camp.

"How exactly are you going to get that poison out of him?" Eden asked. I bite my lip, looking ahead. Eden was so full of innocence and purity, knowing what I was about to do would show a dark side of me I wanted to keep her out of.

"I am going to give him a potion which waters flow through the island which is what keeps it so young. I'm hoping that if I sneak it into his glass, he can drink it and get better."

"But all magic comes with a price, what's the price?" Eden looked at me.

"If he leaves Neverland, he'll die."

"And he doesn't know!" Eden stops in her tracks, causing me to stop as well. I close my eyes, settling the pain down as I open them.

"He'll know tonight, after he drinks the water."

"But he'll lose everything. He'll lose his family, his mother. Take it from someone who knows having to say goodbye to her mother is the worst thing ever, you don't want to do that."

"There's no other chance that this boy has. I don't want to do it anymore than you do but it's the only thing we can do. Emma knows that even though he'll be stuck here, visiting him here is better than visiting his grave. Believe me, I know what I'm doing."

"Do you? Because it sounds like you're ending his life."

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