Vampires and friends

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Pan's P.O.V.
I brush my fingers over my neck where the bite marks were, a constant reminder of that day. Dropping my hand, I put it around my leg, grabbing my other one. Ever since that day, I was changed, I turned dark.

"Thought I may find you here." Someone sits next to me. I look away from Felix, my hair flying in my eyes. "I know you're upset she knew the real you, but she will accept you. Someone like her, with her heart only sees the good. You're a troubled boy and only I know your dark past, only I know your story. Eden my not ever know that, and she may never will because you won't tell her but that's fine. But you should let her in. Start a new story with her."

"I can't. I'm just the demon everyone is afraid to deal with." I mutter.

"You once told me you get to people by thinking that they're alone. And right now you're thinking you're alone but you aren't. You have no idea how many people worry and fear for you."

"Hey guys?" Felix and I turn to the right to see Borra with his wings open, someone in front of them.

"Eden." I breath. Eden kept her head down, not afraid but just not wanting to face me which I understood. She muttered something to Borra who growls something back.

"Borra." Felix growls.

"Felix." He growls back.

"Feather clip."

"Little brother." Borra rolls his eyes.

"I'm chief now. You listen to me." Felix growls. The two start snapping at each other.

"Alright all of you stop it!" I yell, Borra and Felix looking at me. "Please just leave me alone." I said, looking away from them. "Please." I rest my chin on my knees, looking the other way. Felix got up, gesturing for the others to leave. They leave, the shadows of the jungle taking over as I was left alone. I bite my lip, hissing as my fangs cut my lip. I hated what I had become, what I forced myself to do to stay here. This island is a curse and I was stuck on it.

"You can try pushing me away but I'm always coming back." Felix sits next to me again. I smile, leaning my head on his shoulder. Felix wrapped his cloak around me as I close my eyes.

"Thank you." I whispered, surprising myself since I almost never say it, not even to my friends.

"For what?" Felix asked.

"Everything. You're the only one who's truly been there for me, who's seen the good in me when even my own father couldn't." I look up at him as he looked out at the island's ocean.

"Because we're like each other. You've seen my dark side. I've been pushed around and bullied. I can't have you go through that."

"Best Lost boy ever." I brag. "See, I knew it was a good idea to bring you here."

"You doubted me?" Felix scoffs.

"Yeah. But I doubt everyone." I smirk, looking back at the ocean, the waves crashing onto the shore in a pattern, soothing me and settling my nerves down.

"Is this a bad time?" I glance behind us, rolling my eyes at Teresa.

"Felix can you give us a minute?" I sigh.

"Vampire to vampire." Teresa said.

"Sure." Felix nods. He gets to his feet, glancing at me. I nod, telling him I was alright as he nods back, walking into the jungle.

"Haven't seen you in a while. What brings you here?" I ask.

"I'm worried about you."

"How?" I scoff.

"For months you've been acting strange. I used to know the Pan who walked these paths and flew through these skies. But now that that girl is here, you've been spending all your time with her. And not a bite in her neck."

"I'm not using her for blood, Teresa. I love her."

"Oh please. You know what's going to happen if you fall in love. Not only will you scare her off but your vampire senses will kick in and you'll see her as prey. If you truly loved Princess Eden then you'll stay away from her."

"You knew you were dangerous and you stayed around in the maze. Why?"

"Because they needed me. I was useful and wanted. Everyone had a job in the maze. Newt in the fields, Minho and Thomas as runners, we were all needed."

"And how is my camp any different?"

"Because you don't need half of those boys. They're a waste of space. You start to realize that as you start embracing your vampire side." I get up, pinning her to the tree behind her in a flash. Teresa smirks.

"I will never embrace that side. You bit me and that's it. Nothing else." I snarl.

"Alright. Then don't come crying when your eyes turn from those pretty pretty green eyes to a dark scary red and everyone is afraid of you because you're hunting their blood. Trust me I thought I could fight it but every time someone died, that night I was on their body feeding. You'll be just like me one day."

"You're lucky I'm letting you stay in this island."

"And you're lucky I didn't kill you that day." She smirks, pushing me as I fall back against a tree. She brushed her clothes off, smiling.

"You don't bite her by the full moon, then I will." She walked into the forest again, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

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