Stay out of sight

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Pan's P.O.V.
I run my fingers through her hair as my hand snakes around her waist. Her eyes flutter close as I searched for her sweet spot. She nuzzled her head in my neck, trying to keep herself quiet as her fangs graze my skin. "You are pure evil." I mutter, getting off of her. Eden whines as I get off the bed. Walking out of the room, I go to the kitchen.

Grabbing a cup from the cabinet, I set it down. I take a few mint leaves and put them in the cup that was already filling up thanks to my magic. Taking my palm, I cut it as my blood drips into tea. A moment later, I heal my hand and grab the cup to bring it to Eden. As I walked into the room, she immediately took it and gulped it down. "And she said she didn't like the drink." I mock. Eden sets the drink down.

"You are asking to be bitten." She growls at me. I smiled simply, kissing her cheek.

"You can't bite me without killing her because you now need my blood to survive. You bite me and you kill me by draining all the blood out of me."

"Well now I know how to kill you. Thanks,"

"I'll be back in a few hours." I peck her lips, turning to leave.

"No, don't leave!" Eden begs but I ignored her, striding out of the room proudly.

"Peter!" I close the door behind me. Felix suddenly flew into the treehouse, stopping in front of me.

"Felix, you're back. How did it go at the nest?"

"Great. Sam tried raping Winter and then beat her up when she rejected him. She's back at my tent sleeping."

"Uh huh. And that hickey on your neck?" Felix touched his neck, causing me to smirk at his panic. "Seems talking wasn't the only thing you two were doing last night." I mutter, walking past him.

"Can I talk to your vampire girlfriend or not?" He rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, go ahead." Felix disappeared into the bedroom, closing the door behind him.

Eden's P.O.V.

"Peter!" Peter closed the door behind him. I scream into the pillows, taking my anger out. I hated being alone here with nothing to do so when he left, I was left alone again. Looking up at the ceiling, I think of something to do, but I couldn't even get out of bed. As the minutes pass, the door opened as Felix wandered in. My spirits rose, having someone here finally.

"Hey Eden are you busy?" I raise an eyebrow at him in annoyance. "Right. Sorry."

"What do you want?" I sigh.

"How did Charming know Snow was the one?" Felix asked. I was shocked he was even asking for dating advice.

"My father was suppose to be marrying a rich girl. Since his twin brother died, he took the throne. My grandmother gave him that ring for the one he loved. When he caught my mother, it was like a spark. He knew it was her he wanted to marry and to fight for."

"But she was an outlaw. How could he marry her if she wasn't of noble blood?"

"True love isn't about rank, Felix. It's not about king marrying queen or anything like that. It's about choosing the one who you look at and your world stops. You're willing to dive into a lake of iron for them. You're willing to fight Sam to the death knowing she is safe and that he can't touch her. Yeah the love bite is hard to miss. Felix you love Winter so go to her before she passes you by." I look outside to see Winter flying with Borra in a race.

"You really think she's into me?"

"Of course. Now I gave you something so give me something." I smirk.

"What does the princess want?" He mocks at me but I brush it aside.

"I'm good at reading people, Felix. Every time you mention Sam, you show bravery but you also show fear and it isn't because he caused you that scar." The air was thick between us, Felix only avoiding my gaze.

"Sam didn't just abuse me that one time. It was almost every day. One day he threatened to kill me, so I fled. He was quick to find me and attacked. I still have the scar on my ankle where the throne wrapped around me to pin me down, the scar on my wing where he had attempted to clip my wings so I couldn't fly, I couldn't be a Fey. Every time though, Borra saved me."

"It's why you two are always so close. Because he protected you." I figure out. Felix modded.

"It's why your dad made you chief. Because in the end, Borra didn't want to become chief. Borra could learn every detail about history, take every bullet, but he wanted Borra to look after you. Making you chief just guaranteed it. And you can be as harsh or cruel to each other but in the end, you two are brothers. You'll always be there for each other. At that moment, Borra walks into the room.

"Little busy," Felix muttered.

"Maleficent just came by. She said to keep out of the skies." Borra looks at us. I furrow my brows in confusion.

"Why?" I ask.

"Sam knows that Winter is gone. The quieter we are, the more hidden we stay, he won't come to Neverland searching because as far as he knows, Felix isn't a Lost Boy, he's just the chief who's hiding." Borra explains to us. You was shocked that he already found her so quickly.

"How did he find she was gone? It's only been a day and the nest is huge. I couldn't find you for days in the other nest and that was smaller than this one." Felix scoffs. Borra rolled his eyes at him.

"He's fast." Borra said.

"Well weather or not he finds her, she's safe behind Felix now." I said. Borra looked at his little brother with a glare.

"So that's where the bite mark came from." He smirks at his little brother.

"With that now out of the way, Sam can't hurt her now." I bring Borra's attention to me.

"Is she even of noble blood? I mean she has to be of noble blood." Borra asked.

"The chief is handed down to the oldest son and yet Father wanted me to be chief. I think it's safe to say rules can be broken. And for your information, she's noble blood." Felix said irritated. Borra glared at his brother, turning around.

"Just stay out of the skies." He muttered, reaching for the door.

"Borra." I call. The boy turns to me. "Can you get Peter for me? I need to ask him something." I smiled innocently. Borra groans, opening the door as he left. Felix and I exchange glances. "Might wanna mention you are the first one in the tribe's history to mate with someone with a different tribe?" I smirk.

"Tell no one." He growls, walking out of the room. Felix shrugs, following his brother as the two walk out the door.

"What went on?" Peter walked into the room.

"Nothing." I close the door with my magic behind him. Peter looked at the door then at me, a smirk playing on his lips. He knew my game. He crawled onto the bed, capturing my hungry lips with his own, his hand running through my hair. I kissed back, smiling as he pushed me back onto the pillows.

His lips traveled down my neck, his fangs grazing my skin as my breath hitched in my breath. The way this boy could make me feel was like nothing I've ever experienced before. No words can describe the love I had for him, what I would do for him. He was my prince, and I his princess.

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