Fey and Lost

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Pan's P.O.V.
The day was warm, the boys at the training grounds for the day. I turn to the bedroom, walking inside. Eden was asleep, her back to me as her wings curled around her. I smiled at how cute she looked, sitting next to her. "Eden." I shake her gently. Eden whines, curling her wings around her tighter. "Eden." I smiled. Eden woke up, lifting her head at me. "Hey love, I have a surprise for you."

"What?" She asked, half asleep still.

"I looked at your wound and it's healed enough that you can start walking again."

"Really?" Her mood seemed to change to happy. I nod, suddenly being attacked in a hug. "You're the best." She smiled.

"I know." I brag. Eden hit be playfully which only got me to laugh. "Felix, Juniper, Borra and Winter are heading to the Nest to gather a few followers. Felix wanted you to come with." Eden took no time before getting off of me and running to the door. "Hey be careful out there." I turn my head to her, sitting up. "And be careful with that ankle."

"Okay bye." She smiled, slamming the door in my face.

Eden's P.O.V.
Felix, Borra, Juniper, Winter and I landed on the side of the rocks, using the horns on our wings to keep up as we catch our breath. Felix had talked about us going back to the nest just to get a few other followers for those who still followed Felix. I knew it was dangerous but I couldn't ignore the chief so I agreed.

"You don't have to do this. I'm not making you do it. I can always go alone." Felix breathed, half out of breath. I brush the hair out of my face.

"We're not letting you go alone." Juniper told him to try and put him at ease.

"And remember we need to be careful. We don't know what kind of lies Sam has told about us." Felix tells us. I honestly just wanted to get in there so that I could talk to Sam about how he's an idiot for challenging Felix.

"Kay." I smile, jumping off of the rocks and diving under the nest with Winter and Juniper, flying in. Waiting for the others, the brothers flew in behind us I beat my wings, making my way through the nest. I soon hear screaming coming from somewhere. Following it, I arrived in the council room. The leader of each tribe were there, Sam by the throne with his wings flailed.

"He claims to be the chief! But where was he that day? The day we needed a leader! He fled, ran like the coward he is! It's time this nest has a true leader. Felix has manipulated everyone to think he is their leader but he isn't. First Borra, our strongest fighter, then Juniper, then my own Winter. It's time he pays for his crimes!" Sam yelled. The men chant in agreement.

"Are you sure about that?" Felix grabs my hand but I brush him off, keeping him hidden as I approach the shocked council with Winter and Juniper.

"Winter. Are you alright? Where have you been?" Sam asked as I walk to the throne. I turn to the council. I saw Maleficent listening in where Felix and Peter would normally be as kids. She looked intrigued whereas before she looked annoyed.

"Felix is the chief we need, to rule us as his father before him. What happened that day when the kingdom out there was tragic but Sam has lied. People aren't as bad as we want to believe. Ask me, ask Felix, ask Maleficent. I've lived with them and from what I've seen, they are innocent."

"Eden sto-" I cut Sam off.

"Sam said they are out for blood, to attack and kill us off but they aren't. People are amazing and kind and respectful. I may not have known Felix for long but I know that he deserves his throne. He leads out of respect, understanding his fellow Fey and doesn't rule with fear and intimidation unlike some of us here." Juniper
snaps at Sam.

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