Natsuki raised an eyebrow.

"You scored the highest on the recommendation hero course exam," Mirio said. "And a lot of pros have been mentioning you, I want to see just what all of this fuss is about. You must be really strong to catch so much attention."

Natsuki weighed the pros and cons of agreeing to a spar. She would most likely reveal more than she intended to, but not too much. She would also get to read Mirio's fighting style.

"I'll gladly spar with you Tōgata-san," Natsuki agreed.


Natsuki stood in one of U.A.'s many gyms, clad in her training suit. Tamaki and Nejire stood in between the two fighters waiting for them to get ready.

Mirio clapped his hands, also wearing his own training suit.

"Alright, lets begin," Mirio said. "Tamaki?"

Tamak nodded and he and Nejire moved back.


In an instant Mirio was gone. Any normal person wouldn't have known what happened, but she was a trained kunoichi.

She jumped over the punch that was aimed at her back. She turned in midair and narrowed her eyes at Mirio. She attempted to deliver a punch to his chest only for body to fly straight through him. She stopped herself and and turned back to her opponent.

"So you're quirk is permeation," Natsuki stated. "That leaves me with fewer options due to my limited skill set, however you aren't invincible."

Mirio was about to comment before Natsuki seemed to disappear before his eyes.

"Where did she go?" Mirio asked out loud.

He was answered with a strong punch to the back. He was sent flying into the wall, leaving spiderweb cracks behind and a large dent.

"Her quirk allows her to become invisible?" Nejire asked.

"Not in the way that you're thinking, but yes, my quirk can make me invisible," Natsuki's boice echoed through the gym.

Mirio looked around and smiled.

"You've got one hell of a punch," Mirio said. "Most wouldn't think someone with such a thin form wouldn't have that much physical strength."

"My grandmother could flick you through the wall," Natsuki deadpanned. "Super strength runs through the blood of all females in my family."

She now had the advantage. He couldn't predict when to activate his quirk and he couldn't keep it activated forever. Her use of the transparency jutsu was a success.

Natsuki aimed a kick at Mirio's side, sending him flying once again, but this time he was able to stop himself.

"From what I know about you you're good a predicting people's movements," Natsuki said. "When fighting you many people tried to come up with better fighting styles and plans to beat you. That was their downfall. When fighting someone like you you have to remain unpredictable."

To prove her point Mirio found himself being suddenly lifted into the air and slammed onto his back. He immediately stood up again and tried to find where she was.

"It seems my attacks no longer have a strong effect on you," Natsuki sighed. "Tōgata-san, would you allow me to take off my weights so that I may put more power into fighting you?"

Tamaki and Nejire shared a look. What would a few pounds lost do?

"Sure, Uzumaki-san," Mirio agreed.

Natsuki reappeared standing a few feet in front of Mirio. Her body began to glow slightly and a series of symbols and kanji appeared all over her body.

"Those are gravity seals. They put extra force on my body," Natsuki explained. "Let's get back to our fight."

For a moment Mirio thought that Natsuki had disappeared again, but he was proven wrong not a second later. Natsuki was directly in front of him with her fist buried into his stomach. Spittle erupted from his mouth and all the air flew from his lungs.

Natsuki jumped back and watched Mirio fall to the ground. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Tamaki and Nejire gape in shock. She had defeated Mirio without even taking a single hit.

"It seems I still have much to learn," Natsuki said.

"You defeated Mirio with ease!" Tamaki uncharacteristically exclaimed. "He's considered to be the top candidate for No. 1 hero! Even among pros! What could you possibly need to learn?"

Natsuki hummed and walked over to Mirio. She kneeled down and her hands flowed green. She pressed them against Mirio's stomach where she punched him. After a a minute or so she removed her hands and Mirio stood up.

"Go put on your clothes."

Mirio was confused before realizing what she meant. Normally people yelled out when he phased out of his clothes. She didn't so it was easy to forget.

"Sorry!" Mirio yelled.

He hurriedly put the gym suit again and laughed sheepishly. Once he had his clothes back on he turned to her.

"So what is it you have left to learn?" Mirio questioned.

"When you fight you fight with a smile. You don't let people see you down," Natsuki explained. "Even though you lost the spar you still smile. Why?"

She hadn't smiled at anyone other than Izuku for a long time. Hell back when she was in Konoha most of her smiles were fake. A mask so she could complete her mission. Heroes were different. Most heroes smiled while saving people, regardless of the reason. They smiled true genuine smiles. Her smiles were only genuine when she was smiling at Izuku.

"You also managed to limit a lot of my attacks," Natsuki continued. "Even if I can beat someone without them, having someone limit me is a very bad thing. It could give them an advantage. I still have a lot to learn before becoming a hero."

"Smiling just comes naturally to me!" Mirio said. "After being beaten by you I can find more areas I need to grow in and that will help me save more people and that makes me smile. Thank you Uzumaki-kōhai!"

He liked saving people. He wanted to save people. He reminded her of herself back when she was young. Before everything changed.

'Saving people is the only way for you to make up for everything you've done. Dreams mean nothing for you.'

"Please, call me Natsuki, Mirio-senpai," Natsuki said. "I've got to go now. I want to be able to explore the school some more."

Natsuki began to leave before Mirio spoke again.

"Why do you want to be a hero Natsuki-kōhai?"

The Nine Tailed Heroine: YōkoWhere stories live. Discover now