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"I know this doesn't make sense yet, but can you at least try to believe in me just a little bit?" I sigh, leaning back in my chair, leaning my head back over the edge.

"I do believe in you, Tori, I just-"

"It really doesn't feel like it." I snap, rolling my eyes. I sit up and stare down at the control panel. I slide the volume up a bit and add another track then press play. I place the headset on my head as the music blares out and I listen intently.

"It needs something else." I mumble, walking into the studio room.

"Tori I don't know about this. Its too experimental." Awsten says through the intercom, looking through the glass.

"I didn't ask. Start recording." I respond, pulling the guitar strap over my head, swinging the guitar around. He sighs and starts recording a separate track. I look over at the amp and turn it up before strumming a chord as loud as humanly possible as I let it ring out. I wait a few seconds before silencing it and signaling to stop the recording. I place the guitar back on its stand.

"What was that for?" Geoff asks as I walk out of the booth.

"Gimme a second and you'll see." I add the track on top of the others and edit the volume. They merge together as I place the headset back on, listening.

"This is it." I say, turning to face the boys.

"I just don't think it'll come out right." Awsten mumbles.

"I wanna hear it." Otto says, taking a spare headset off the rack. He places it on his head and Geoff does the same with his set. Awsten rolls his eyes and puts his back on. I press play and watch the amazement in Geoff's eyes light up. Otto smiles. Awsten nods some, not wanting to admit he was wrong.

"This is it. I love it!" Geoff smiles.

"This is unlike anything we've done before. I really like it. Its a great start to the album." Otto adds.

"And thus, Cherry Red has been born."

"Yeah, great." Awsten mumbles. I bite my tongue and take off my headset, stretching some.

"Well, it's at least a start. I'm gonna head home." I say, grabbing my bag from the corner of the room.

"You don't have to leave, T. We like you helping." Otto says, looking up at me from his chair.

"I know you do, but I'm not exactly feeling welcome at the moment. I need to get the kids anyways." I smile some to reassure him that it's  fine.

"Text me when you get home." Awsten's tone was cold. I could tell he was in his head again, I just didn't know why.

"Yeah. Bye Geoff, give Rory a hug for me."

"Yes ma'am." He smiles as I turn to leave. I sling my backpack over my shoulders and leave the studio before calling Jack.


"Hey babycakes. Wanna see the kids?" I ask, waiting for the excitement on the other side of the call.

"Of course! Can I pick them up with you?"

"Why else would I be calling, dipshit?"

"Whatever brat. Where are you?" Jack asks and I look around for a street name.

"I'm leaving the studio. I think I'm on Borden street."

"On my way." He answers, ruffled movements in the background of the call distracted me.

"You don't even have pants on do you?"

"I'm a man of simplicity, Victoria. I come home, take off my pants, open a white claw, and live my life." His cockiness radiates and I giggle some.

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