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"Levi honey it's time to get up for school!" I call through the house, frantically running around in search for Willow. She had ran away and hid when I mentioned school.

"Willow please come out. We gotta get ready for school." I beg, sighing. I stand in the center of the living room and look around before noticing a box slowly creeping through the kitchen. I smirk before sneaking over and ripping the box off of her.

"Got ya!" I shout and she laughs, attempting to run away. I pick her up and put her over my shoulder, carrying her back to her room.

"Levi are you dressed?" I ask from outside the door. A few moments later I hear a muffled yes and I enter the room, playfully tossing Willow down onto the bed. She giggles, bouncing around on it.

"D-does this look okay?" Levi asks as he turns in front of the mirror shyly. He wore an old black t-shirt with a worn out denim jacket over it that was covered in various band pins. His jeans were stained with paint in random spots and his converse were muddy.

"I think you look creative and unique. It suits a grunge aesthetic. Do you feel confident?" I ask and he nods, smiling at me.

"Then that's what matters. You look handsome, kiddo." I reassure him as I tie Willow's shoes.

"Are you sure you wanna wear a pirate costume on your first day?" I ask her and she nods, smiling. Her missing teeth shined proudly.

"Duh!" She jumps up from the bed and runs down the hallway when she hears Awsten's voice in the kitchen.

"What if the other kids don't like me?" Levi asks, frowning as he stares at his reflection.

"I'll beat them up." Awsten says, leaning in the doorway.

"Awsten! Violence is not the answer." I correct him. 

"Maybe not in this situation but when the time comes, I'm ready." He adds, looking over at Levi.

"They'll love you, and if they don't, then they don't matter." He smiles some.

"He's right you know. I have a feeling that you'll make friends easily at this school." I smile. Levi sighs, tugging at his shirt some. He nods, biting his lip some.

"I'm ready." He turns on his heel and faces me.

"Somethings missing here... I think this would complete the outfit." Awsten smirks, handing Levi a small wrapped box. He blankly stares at it then looks at me.

"Open it, sweetheart." I say and he rips the paper off and his eyes widen.

"No way."

"Yes way." Awsten smiles cheekily.

"We set up our contacts in it and everything like that already. This will be a good way for you to talk to your friends and everyone else. Be careful with it, okay?" I explain and he nods, smiling as he pulls the iPhone 6 from it's box.

"Oh, and you can text us at any time, okay?you're unlimited." Awsten adds, motioning towards the phone.

"Yes sir." Levi hugs him and then hugs me as well before walking towards the living room.

"Did you see how happy he got?" Awsten fangirls.

"I knowwww!" I drag out and punch the air in victory.

"Mommmmm!" Willow yells before there's a loud crash. Our eyes widen before we run into the living room.

"Oops." Jack says as he holds up a thin leash that had been torn in half.

"Jack. What the hell was on the other end of that leash?" I ask, glaring at him.

"Well Kovu needed a friend so I brought solo over and was gonna take them to the park and well uh they got excited and I'm just a boy." He explains, his big chocolate eyes staring at me, watering some.

"Boys, find the dogs. I'm taking the kids to school." I say and they nod, running off to find the dogs.

"Are things always this crazy in the mornings?" Levi asks and I sigh.

"When your uncle jack is here, definitely." I laugh.


The front door slams shut and I flinch, turning to face it as Levi runs straight to his room and shuts the door. Willow walks in after him and gives me a pained expression.

"H-how was your day, honey?"

"I hate school. Levi hates school. I'm not going anymore." She frowns, walking into their shared bedroom. I sigh, turning to face Awsten.

"Which kid do you want?" He asks, standing up from the bar stool he was previously sat on.

"I'll take Levi." I say, walking down the hall. He nods and follows me.

"Willow wanna go play with Kovu?" Awsten asks from outside the door. Willow comes out and they go outside to play.

"Levi, can we talk?" I ask, waiting for an answer.

"I'm fine. Leave me alone." Muffled cries came from the other side and I felt my heart break.

"Please let me in. We don't have to talk. Just let me in." I beg and the door unlocks. I hesitate before pushing it open gently. Levi was sat on the floor on the other side of his bed. He furiously wipes away his tears as I close the door and sit beside him. We sit in silence as he grieves. After a moment, he calms down. His broken stare meets mine.

"Do you wanna talk now?" I quietly ask and he nods some.

"Everything was fine until lunch. I didn't know anyone so I sat alone and then the table next to me started making jokes. I don't want to be the loser again." He explains, starting at the wall in front of him. I knew exactly what he was going through.

"I was bullied too. You don't deserve this. At all. You deserve to be happy." I reassured him.

"I don't want to be alone again." He put his head down and sniffled.

"You won't be. You always have me and Willow and Awsten. And Jack, Alex, Zack, Rian. All of them. Grace and Chloe, Geoff and Otto too. We're all here."

"For now."

"No, forever. We adore you, Levi. I know Zack and Rian will too."

"Are you sure?"


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