🔟 The PROBLEM😷🤒🤕🤧🤮🤢

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Al and Daniel had a little action, don't worry Al is still a virgin, Konnie broke up with Al and Al cut, TJ checked on her and he got mad when he found out, she asked for time and he gave her time, when she woke up from sleeping all day long she meet up with Kashi and they went to the doctor to find out that Al is sick fo some sort.

-after the check up-
"You seem fine but it seems to be a wolf thing, here it says your an omega a pure breed your father a pureAlpha and mother a male omega. Your as special as can be Alex, but people like you have extraordinary things called fated mates, it's a myth but some do exist and I think it's just, you rejecting yours. It's not okay because as long as you reject your mate you'll get more sick and soon end up dead. This is a very serious matter, unless you mate with another pure Alpha." The doctor said
"Thank you doctor"
They left and went to the cafe near Al's house.
"What are we going to do, who's your mate?" Kashi asked
"I think TJ but I'll find someone else"
"Finding someone else I can fall for"
"Just tell him how you truly feel, I can see it your inlove with him, but you don't want to accept it"
"I can't accept it because I'm scared of how things will turn out for me if I do accept it, if he finds out how will I deal with it"
"So your accepting it, your inlove with TJ"
"Yes, I'm inlove with TJ"
"And so he might be your fated mate, I mean i noticed how he looked at you from afar but damn I would have to guess it's him that's your fated mate"
"But I can't ruin his life with my bestfriend, I'd gain something but I'd lose something more important my friendship with kate and I can't let that happen"
"Fine, you do you, but I'm always here if you want to talk"
"Thank you Kashi"
When Al was done with her drink she went to her house and went to her back yard. She turned into her wolf form and immediately smelled it. The scent of an Alpha, His terrible awful scent. Al's wolf immediately took over making her run all the way back to Alpha moons pack house to find it empty she sniffed untill she found Alpha Moons trail. She followed it all the way to a hollow tree. She went in and saw Alpha Moon with his betas.
"What are you doing here?"
"He's not dead he's alive and he's after me" Al whimpered
"I know he destroyed the pack house while I was gone, spots and everyone got away in time but he won't stop until he's got you"
"He's in my town"
"Then stay here"
"But T- I mean Storm and all my friends have my scent on them, I can't let them get hurt"
"Tell us their names and I'll send a search party for them"
"TJ, Kashi,Konnie,Kate,and Daniel"
"Alright they've left and are looking for them"

After about half an hour later in came four wolves with the 5 people that Al named

"Guys are you okay?"
"Yes we're fine but, why'd they come for us?" TJ asked
"Because someone is after me and it'll kill you because you smell like me and your not me but have my scent on you or around you"
"Who is it?" Kashi asked
Al turned to her human form and immediately collapsed to her knee's. TJ flinched thinking that Al got hurt.
"He's my uncle, my step father kind of sold me to him after he lost his job and became an addict. To get money, my real father died in war"
"Wait so is this what you were talking about. You aborting a baby because you got raped?" TJ said
"At first he took care of me but at 13 he wanted more than just touching me, when I declined many times on my 14th birthday he raped me. The police got involved and I was forcefully moved from his house to my old home where I supposedly lived a better life. But every time my father talked to my uncle he always brought me back to his house and I ended up getting pregnant. My mother helped me get rid of it. And leave my father with the help of Alpha Moon becoming the new alpha. After everything my uncle found out that he was in deep shit. So he ran and broke the packs sacred rules the main rules. So they hunted him and we ended up thinking we killed him."
"And now he's after you to do what?"
"Make me mate with him and to keep me all to himself. I haven't told anyone but a couple of my old pack mates but I'm a pure female omega and I'm sorry I lied to you guys, now I need you guys to keep it a secret, please"
"Al can I talk to you alone in private" Kashi asked with TJ nodding in agreement
"Sure, I guess"
Al took Kashi and TJ to another room
"What's up guys?"
"Al I'm sorry but I had to tell him about what you told me in the doctor's office"
"Look, I know how you feel about me and I want you to tell me in my face about your feelings, please do it"
"I'm not"
"Why not?"
"Because I'm not going to make things awkward in between us again, I don't want to ruin things when they are barely starting to be rebuilt to the way it used to be"
"I'll give you time but once you've told me how you feel about me to my face"
"TJ I'm inlove with you, I'm sorry, I know it's very wrong, and I shouldn't feel this way but I can't find any other way to name the feeling I have, except the word love"
"Al I-, it's okay I'll give you time"
"Thank you, but can you promise something for me"
TJ nodded
"Don't break up with Kate over something stupid, please, stay with her because I know that no one else will love you more than she will" Al said
"Fine, I promise it"
"Thank you" Al went out of the room and went upstairs followed by Jennie, Lisa, and Rosé"

In Al's room

"Listen Al I can see it he cares for you but he also cares for Kate, a lot." Lisa said whispering the last part


1117 word hope u like

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