5️⃣ what did we do 🤫

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"If you ever tell anyone about this I'll finish the job" Al gritted out

"The cameras caught you beating me up" the teacher spat, Al looked at Konnie and said
"Can you go get me shane please"

"Yeah" Konnie said and left leaving Al with the perverted teacher. Al looked back at the bleeding teacher.

"If the cameras caught me, wouldn't they catch you watching that disgusting shit!"
Al said with anger in her voice.

"No, the janitor gets my computer to look like I'm doing work." The teacher snapped, which only angered Al more. She punched him again, knocking him out cold. She looked at her hands and saw how red her knuckles were. She dragged him to his chair and sat him down and tied him up. When Shane came in with Konnie, he freaked out talking about how they're all going to go to jail for killing someone. Then out of no where they all started arguing. When suddenly the door of the classroom burst open, they looked at the door in shock, not knowing what to do.


TJ was stareing at them in shock. TJ was standing there confused and a bit annoyed. Shane quickly pulled him in and locked the door.

"What the fuck did you guys do?!" TJ and Shane said in union

"I caught him watching porn and stareing at my girls ass so I beat the shit out of him" Al explained hurriedly

"Why'd you need Shane?" TJ asked

"to erase the footage off the camera's" Konnie said, Al went to the teachers desk and found some bandage wrap and started to wrap her hand in it.

"I need a computer." Shane said and sighed in defeat.

"Here" Konnie said and handed him the one on the floor. Shane took the computer and sat at a desk after 30 minutes he finished.

"Done, there is no footage of you beating him up or threatening him" Shane said

"That's Shane" TJ said

"What do we do about the body"

"We leave it here, there is no DNA of mine on him or anything so we let someone else find him, I'm not staying so I'm going home, actually I'll go to the hide out and stay there for a little bit" Al said

when they were in middle school they found a shed, they fixed it up and started hanging out there, it was in the middle of the woods so no one could really find them, at night they would climb tree's and sit there looking at the star's

"Okay" Konnie said

"Al, I'm going with you" TJ said

"What? No, you have to stay here, what'll people think if we leave school together" Al said

"I don't care, I have to talk to you anyway" TJ said and walked out the room and into the hallway, Al sighed and went to Konnie and kissed her cheek and said bye then followed TJ out. She got to the hide out and saw TJ inside. She went inside and stood at the door.

"What did you want to talk about?" Al asked

"You never answered my question in the hall"

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