Turning my head to look at him, I noticed he didn't mind getting wet or maybe he was just that deep in thought.

The waves told me his hair clung to his scalp, and water dripped from his chin.

My hair wasn't wet like his; it was covered with the hood of my jacket.

No one really knows what I look like underneath my hood since it covers half my face, but they still somehow know that I'm blind. Of course, I didn't know either... Only the kid got the privilege to see what was underneath.

I like keeping people in suspense, and it only gives me more of a mysterious aura from wearing something as simple as a hood.

After a short pause, I asked, a bit harshly, "How do you know me?"

"I've seen you around," he said, ignoring my hostility or probably didn't take notice of it. I could even hear the smile in his voice.

How has he seen me before? I would've known there was someone out here before them.

And how did he know my name?

I never gave out my name to anyone.

"By the way, my name's Cloud."

"And I'm Dawn," my feline friend interrupted, "nice to meet you even though it's not really a good time to meet someone nicely."

His only response was laughter.

Names, are they really that important? I'm known by many, but none of which you want to be called as.

My real name isn't Silver like this stranger thought it was; I merely choose the name because it sounded like such a rare word to be said these days. I didn't know it was a color until I heard it once being used to describe the color of a sword even though I didn't know what the color looked like. The word itself just piqued my interest, and so decided to go by that name.

Not even Dawn knows what my real identity is.

I found myself showing a small smile while Dawn suddenly went on a fit of giggles.

"What?" He asked continuing his laughter.

"It's just that if anyone heard a cat talk they'll think they're losing their minds," Dawn answered as my smile grew a bit wider.

"I guess I'm used to it since I have a cat of my own." he explained.

I could see the figure of a cat, the same size as Dawn, next to him on the ground.

I didn't notice him when we were running.

"Hiya, I'm Night." he said, cheerfully waving his two tails.

"Do you guys really live here?" Cloud asked.

"Yup, it's just me and Silver," Dawn replied.

Leave it to Dawn to reveal everything about me.

I swear I need to put a muzzle on that big mouth of hers...

Sometimes I even felt the need to strangle the cat because of how she would tell me anything, and everything about what happened during the day, and I just wanted her to shut up, but in the end she always found a way to make me smile slightly.

After a short period of silence, Cloud spoke again.

The question he asked took me by surprise.

"What happened to your parents?"

Well, he didn't waste time getting to the point, I thought.

Didn't he hear the stories, the rumors going around the village? I was starting to wonder if he did live in it.

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