Chapter 8

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"The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking."

― Albert Einstein


While more people wasted their breath expressing their hatred of me, I just thought about my fate. No, I shared that fate now; this wasn't supposed to happen to Cloud. How many times am I going to blame myself for this? Was my fate supposed to be shared? I sighed at the endless questions my mind kept making up.

As I continued to walk down the path that led to the prison, I could tell where there were lanterns hanging from some stalls since I felt their light give me a little amount of warmth. Nonetheless, it was comforting.

Apparently their light was bright enough for them to see me properly since the sun had fallen, and was replaced by the moon. The night sky must be scattered with endless diamonds by now, like I heard stars being described by parents while the little ones listened intently to the stories being told to them. Too bad I didn't know what diamonds are or else that would've been a good picture to have in mind as I walked to the place where my fate will be decided by a man that completely hates my existence.

This probably would've gone worse if it took place in the daytime.

We were still being held by the men that bound our wrists.

One attempt at escape and...they wouldn't hesitate, the crowd would cheer at the sight of my lifeless body; blood slowly pooling around me. My death would bring peace to their minds. How ironic is that? Finding peace in someone's death? It depends if the person deserves to die because of the evil intentions he has, or in my case, do absolutely nothing that bothers the people of Shade, and get the wish that everyone around me so desperately wanted.

My mere presence is ominous to them.

Do they not know what kind of life I lead because of what they think of me? They curse me, but in return I do nothing but take it all, and wish to merely live in peace back in the forest. Now, that will never happen. I will live the rest of my days in a prison, a place where there's no sunlight to bring warmth to my skin only cold darkness resides in that closed off world.

A small pressure on my shoulder made me stop. I didn't even notice the soldier's hand on me.

The crowd followed us to the prison to see us go in the dark, and they were probably hoping they wouldn't have to lay their immaculate eyes on us again. By throwing us in prison, they think that their problems are solved. How naive can they get?

I then noticed two figures, standing in the front lines of the massive crowd. I knew them, I remember who they were. I turned my gaze toward them; my face giving nothing away. I didn't bother to show them the sadness I felt. They only showed me how much they hated me.

I merely shook my head and sighed.

They'll never know the truth; they just can't accept it.

It's always hard to change one's mind when you're so sure of what you believe in. Nothing can make it waver.

The prison doors opened slowly; creaking from age. I looked up at the sky I couldn't see, and sent a silent prayer to any god willing to listen to my miserable plea: whatever happens to Cloud I hope he doesn't blame me. I don't care what happens to me, just let him be safe.

I normally didn't believe in God. If he did exist, then he has a strange sense of humor. But, this time, I wanted to believe because he could probably save Cloud. I really didn't care what happens to me. I've gone through worse. A soul has already been taken because of me; I didn't think God wanted to take another, especially one that's so stupid and idiotic. God would sure have a hard time with Cloud.

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