Chapter 23 part 2

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"Some nights are made for torture, or reflection, or the savoring of loneliness."

― Poppy Z. Brite


I woke up gasping for breath as sweat dripped down my face. My heart hammered wildly against my ribs.

It took me awhile to gather myself together.

Still taking deep breaths, I noticed I remained chained to the wall, blindfolded.

Was that all a dream then?

Laughter suddenly boomed around the room, startling me. Even in my disoriented state, I could still tell whose laughter that was.

"I'll never forget this moment, demon-girl; the fear that emanated from you." He continued to chuckle uncontrollably.

I wasn't angry or embarrassed to hear him laughing at me. I was just glad to be alive but sad to have the time I had to talk to Maeve cut short.

Hmm, I was happy to be alive.

Not a few minutes ago, that was the last thing I wanted to do but I wanted to live. I wanted to see tomorrow, to feel freedom again. All of this was done because of my mother. She wanted me to live. That was her last dying wish. And I was about to break it.

How could I've done that? How could I've wanted to give up so easily after all I did to survive?

All of it would have been in vain. None of it would have mattered.

While the Commander caught his breath, I still wondered if that strange meeting was real or not, and how it was possible.

Silence stretched between us. It stayed that way for at least a full minute.

"What did that drug do to me?" I asked to break the emptiness of the room.

I knew he smiled as he said this, "The mixture made you see your greatest desire turn into a nightmare."

Seeing Maeve again was my greatest desire? I was always scared of her because of what she did to me every night. But seeing her ask for forgiveness was considered a nightmare to me? I thought my greatest desire would be to leave this place and the nightmare would've been being chained or killed but I guess I'm already living one of my nightmares...

The silence returned but was quickly replaced by me having a coughing fit. My throat felt like the bark of a tree.

When was the last time I actually ate or drank something?

That day in the forest eating fruits with Cloud, Dawn and Night seemed like such a long time ago. I've lost count of how many days have passed. I couldn't tell if it was morning, afternoon or night.

Time goes by slowly down here, or wherever I am. Only sleep makes it go faster.

My body felt empty; drained of hope and energy. I'm still surprised my blood continued to flow through my veins; giving me life. My muscles stopped burning; instead it felt like they were shrinking from the lack of movement. And I think my body has started to eat itself to make up for the abuse I've been giving my stomach...

My whole being resembled a weak and defeated animal; barely hanging on to the few threads of life and hope.

After my coughing fit, I was left trying to regain the air lost back to my lungs, leaving me gasping, almost as if I've held my breath for too long.

A hand grabbed my chin and raised my head to eye level.

"You look like you're at death's door," He mused. "You've only been here for five days; I was hoping you would've lasted longer so I could see your determination and will slowly crumble away."

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