Chapter 31

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"Trust, once lost, could not be easily found. Not in a year, perhaps not even in a lifetime."
― J.E.B. Spredemann, An Unforgivable Secret


He rushed at me with blinding speed that even a dragon's eyes couldn't keep up. Using the waves in the ground was the only way I could fully see his movements.

"Come on! Stop dodging and attack me!"

I growled in frustration.

"Then stop moving and let me attack you!" I yelled, annoyed.

He laughed, but that didn't stop him from continuing his assault.

After a few tries, I somehow managed to kick him away to catch my breath.

"Tired already?" He asked as he slowly walked towards me.

The ground started to shake. Before I could move away the earth opened as roots circled around my ankles and lifted me up. The roots quickly wrapped around me leaving only my head uncovered and turned me upside down.

"You're no fun." The red eyed dragon grumbled.

I couldn't move. The roots started to tighten leaving my mind with frantic thoughts swirling around chaotically.

"Too bad this is the end for you." He said as he patted my cheek.

I willed myself to think clearly and quickly focused on the nature energy around us, gathering it into my body. The source of our power surged through me; it's warmth comforting. I quickly changed its form, like Zephyr taught me, and spat it out as fire.

A look of surprise flashed on Cloud's face before he ducked.

I directed the flames towards the roots; burning them and freeing me.

I landed on my back, letting go of my weapons as the air left my lungs. A blurry image came into view and with the remaining nature energy I let it flow towards the earth and put up my arms to cover my face; the action made the earth form a dome around me.

I heard a strange sound but didn't bother to delve too much into it as I grabbed my daggers, drew more energy and punched the earth wall as I released the energy in a quick burst, making a rock blast forward hoping to hit him with the projectile. I jumped through the hole and quickly took on a defensive stance, but the forest was empty. Even the waves couldn't detect him.

I stood, tense, and waited, knowing where his attack was going to come from.

Gazing upwards, I threw one of my daggers to catch him off guard but he easily dodged it with the new pair of strange wings he now has, they looked like they were made of skin, his sword still in his hand. I threw my other dagger, this one infused with energy, to make it turn around and hit Azazel from behind if he dodges it.

The weapon didn't faze his downward attack.

The dagger continued to spin and turned in a smooth arc, going back towards Azazel.

The dragon flicked his wing, causing the dagger to fall uselessly to the ground.

"You really think I'm that much of an idiot!" He stated as he increased the speed of his attack.

I jumped out of the way and suddenly pain flared across my back as I landed in a heap on the ground. The wound left me in a momentary state of shock and breathlessness. I slowly crawled away from him while the injury started to heal.

"Guess you're not as weak as I thought." He said as he slowly walked towards me, his sword and wings gone.

I awkwardly grabbed at the few dents a tree had and managed to get back on my feet again as I leaned on its thick trunk, my breath leaving me in heavy pants.

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