Punches at the Pitch

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Keira coolly walked to the Quidditch stadium, the feeling of knowing she would finally be able to practice her flying skills again lightened her mood greatly. Having yet received her Quidditch robes, Keira would be practising in ripped jeans, black boots and a Beatles hoodie, with a healthier jacket in case it got too cold. Nevertheless, Keira approached her teammates and began to set down her things, greeting Malfoy as she did so.

  "Ah, Carlyle. Won't be any need to unpack." Marcus Flint's croaky voice told.

  "Why?" Keira asked confused.

  "You've been cut," Marcus announced plainly. "I saw the way your mate played the other day and since you both were most likely trained together, I'm afraid I can't have any weak links on the team."

  "S'cuse me! I proved meself a' tryouts." Keira reminded.

   "One's in which he said you weren't to participate in!" Called Daphne Greengrass sitting next to Pansy and Blaise on the stands nearby.

  "Shut it, Greengrass!" Keira demanded before turning back to the team. "This a captain's choice or was there a vote?"

  "Captain's" Malfoy stated quickly as if apologizing.

   "Fine," Keira concluded, turning on her heels broom in hand and heading to the dungeons.

The walk back to the common room did no help for the rage Keira was feeling, frustration swelling with every passing step. The thought of knocking out Flint's teeth crossed her mind a few times. HFlint'se he says she was a weak player.

She had reached the stone door of Slytherin housing and entered the living area only to find Goyle lying on the floor holding his nose and Crabbe on the couch with a hand over his left eye, both of which were not there when she had come here earlier. When Keira inquired as to what had happened, she did not like the answer she received.

   "YOU DID WHAT!!!??" Keira yelled at Grabbe and Goyle.

  "I-It wasn't o-our fault-" Crabbe stuttered out, slightly frightened at how angry Keira seemed.

  "Vince, how was it not your fault!? You hit Longbottom first and ya only stopped 'cause Finnagian made ya!" Keira exclaimed with disbelief at the boy's denial.

  "B-But Pansy told us too! Said she'd hex us if we didn't." Goyle explained.


Crossing her arms and pinching the bridge of her nose between her index finger and thumb, Keira sighed deeply in the attempt of suppressing her rage.
"You two 'ave the moral backbone of a Jellyfish." The boys looked at her with confusion. "JELLYFISH DON' 'AVE ANY BACKBONES!" Keira yelled as she stormed from the common room for the Quidditch pitch.

By the time Carlyle arrived at the pitch, she was -to put it in Aussie slang terms- absolutely fumin', her fist clenched so tight blood stained her palm in small crest shapes.

  "Parkinson!!" Keira called making her way through the empty stands.

  "What?" Pansy snapped.

  "Why'd ja tell Crabbe an' Goyle to beat up Longbottom?"

Pansy laughed. "First of all, why not? And second of all, aren't you taking on a bit much here Carlyle. I mean why worry about Longbottom, don't you spend enough time worrying over why your dear old mummzie left you." Pansy and Daphne's cackles echoed through the stands.

Oh, that's it!

*Smack!!* Pansy yelped in pain holding her left cheek, a crimson handprint now taking shape. She returned the hit, only causing Keira's head to turn to the side slightly.
Next thing, a full blow fight was on. Parkinson going with slaps, kicks and scratches. While Carlyle was fighting as though a pub brawl had broken out.


Connie sat on the sofa to Neville's left holding the first aid kit helping Ginny, Hermione and Dean patch up the boys the muggle way. Thumper the rabbit had sat himself in Neville's lap to comfort him.

"AHH!" Neville cried when Dean placed a cotton ball soaked in disinfectant on a cut above his eyebrow.

"Sorry, mate." Dean apologized trying to be more gentle.

Certain boys of Gryffindor house we're especially more angered by the day's events.
"Bet it was on Malfoy's orders," Ron muttered.

There was a prang of hurt in Connie's chest when that possibility came to light in her mind. Could he really be that horrible?

"Pathetic " George stated.

"The lot of them." Lee Jordan added.

"Stupid snakes." Oliver Wood grumbled

"Evil, conniving gits. Every last one." Harry mentioned with anger.

"Oi! Watch it!" Connie warned.

"Honestly Connie, I don't think Keira's any diff-"

"No one asked, Lavender!" Connie snapped.

"She might have a point ya know," Harry suggested.

"How so, Potter?" Connie asked gripping the first aid kit tighter.

"She would have found out by now, one of those slimeballs would have told her. And yet she's not here. I doubt she cares at all." Harry reminded.

"Harry!" Hermione chastised as she got up to go get more tissues for Seamus' nose.

"I'm just a-"

Harry was cut off by the sound of the portrait hole swinging open, Professor McGonagall's voice filled the circular room.
"You are to stay here with Ms Kennedy until Professor Snape is finished speaking with Ms Parkinson." Her voice was stern and held authority. "Understood?"

"Yes, Professor." A familiar voice answered.

"Very well then. Off you go. I'm sure Ms Granger could help fix you up." McGonagall told as she exited the tower.

Through the pathway from the Fat Lady's portrait, Keira Carlyle came into view. Only she was battered and bruised. Blood emerging from her nose and some staining her lip and knuckles.

"The bloody hell happened to you!?" Ron questioned as half the room stood up in shock.

"Had a punch up with Parkinson. She's the one who told Greg and Vin- ah- Crabbe and Goyle to beat up the boys" Keira informed, rubbing her right side of her jaw.

"Wait like Pansy Parkinson?" Connie asked.
"And I missed it!" Connie exclaimed
"well, what did ja want me to do, send a bloody ow-" Keira stopped when she glanced at Neville. "You guys righ'?"
Both Seamus and Neville provided a weak nod.

At that moment, seeing how in pain Neville looked, Keira realized that she hadn't hit Pansy hard enough. She wanted to tackle him in a hug and apologize for what had happened, but she couldn't. Not when he wouldn't feel as sad about her being hurt, not when he didn't care as much as she cared.

From the corner of the room came Harry's annoyed voice. "S'pose there's no need to tell you what happened in there, Carlyle."
"Did I not just say I already-"
"Course you already know, your snake friends would have told you the second you saw them aye, bet you're all so proud of yourselves." There was venom in Potter words.

Neither Keira of Connie was having what Harry was implying. "Oh fuck off Potter" they dismissed.

Word count- 1144

Bit of a short shitty chapter this time sorry. :(

Exchange to Hogwarts. (On Hold)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora