The Trolley Incident

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The two young witches had come to London from the other side of the world, Australia to be exact. They were going to be exchange students and would be attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. 

Both had heard many things about the famous school. They had heard of how magnificent the castle was with its stone staircases, wonderful views and Great Hall that was said to have a ceiling that was enchanted to reflect the sky outside. Warned they were, however, of the dangers that had occurred within the old walls of Hogwarts, after all, most of the planets magical community had heard the tails of 'The Boy Who Lived' and the action-packed antics that he got up to in his first two years at the magic-filled school. Though both had decided to focus on the positives rather than the dark negatives.

The girls had arrived at platform 9 of Kings Cross station three hours ago and currently had a mix of the emotion of boredom and confusion. The confusion was due to the fact they had been told in a letter from Hagrid, wizard who was the gamekeeper at Hogwarts, that the train would leave at exactly 11 o'clock, but it was currently 10:40 am and the train hadn't arrived. Their boredom was because they had been waiting at the station so long, they didn't have any of their belongings as Hagrid had them sent to Hogwarts ahead of them, well except for their wands, so there was nothing for the two to do. That, however, did not stop them from trying to occupy their time

Connie, who was the shorter of the two girls, stood near a brick wall in her black leggings, pink camo cropped hoodie and converse. The brunette girl had decided to occupy her time by trying to balance a Sharpie on her nose. Across from Connie, dressed in her dark purple high tops, dark grey high-waisted ripped jeans, a black, slightly baggy crop top that had the Queen (the band) logo on it, along with her favourite emerald green and black flannel shirt, was Keira.

Keira had chosen to entertain herself by getting some food from the nearby vending machine. She slouched against the edge of a wall, her glasses all most falling off her nose, purple hair falling In her face, as she looked with a frustrated expression at the packet of Doritos she just couldn't seem to get open.
The two continued their attempts to stop themselves from going completely mad from boredom, as they waited what seemed endlessly for their train to Hogwarts to arrive.

Growing tired of hearing Keira's little whispers of curse words and the sound of the chip packet being crumpled in Keira's attempts to open it, Connie decided to walk over to the wall where her friend was and help the purple-haired girl with her little problem. But before that could happen, out of seemingly nowhere, a trolley carrying a trunk with the initials "G.W." on it runs into them

It felt as though a force field was passing through the girl's bodies moments before they went crashing to the ground.
"Oh Merlin's beard, George. Look What you've done. Terribly sorry ladies, my less attractive twin brother doesn't know how to watch where he's going." A tall boy with ginger hair says as he helped the teens off the ground.
"Less attractive?! We have the same face!" Said another boy, who they believed to be George. But he was right, they did indeed have the same face.

"It's all right mate, no harm done, right Keira?." Connie said with her ever-present Australian accent as she turned to face her purple-haired friend.
"Keira?" The brunette called.
However, Keira didn't answer, due to the fact that, as usual, she hadn't been paying attention to the current situation. Although what she was focusing on, was that the fall had managed to help open the Doritos and she was trying to pick up the packet without losing any of them.

The two ginger boys turned to look at the focused girls as she mentally celebrated her success of losing no Doritos.
"Sorry about her, see tends out sometimes," Connie explained to the twins before lightly hitting Keira on the shoulder to get her attention.
"Oh, sorry... um. Yeah, all goods." Keira spoke, words muffled from the food she was eating.
"Well good, as long as you're both alright. Oh, I'm Fred by the way, Fred Weasley and this is my brother, George." The boy they now knew as Fred says, shaking their hands, pointing to his brother.
"Yes, it's nice to meet you. I'm Constance Kennedy, but you can call me Connie and this is Ke-" Connie stopped before she could continue her introduction, as she realized that yet again the purple-haired girl was not paying attention. Grabbing the collar of Keira's flannel shirt, Connie yanked the girls so she was stood next to her, taking the cheesy snack out of the absentminded girl's hand.
"Hey, my Doritos!" Keira whines with a grumpy tone.
"-And a this is my easily distracted best friend Keira Carlyle. We're here as exchange students from Australia." The shorter girl explains, Keira waving at the red-headed boys before being handed back her snacks.

The twins looked at each other before replying. "Wow, that's a long way away."
"Always wanted to go there ourselves."
"Excellent pranking community."
"And jokes store."
"Hope to own a joke store of our own one day."
"We do quite enjoy a good practical joke" The two tall boys inform, each continuing the other's sentence as if they were one person.
"Um yeah, that's great," Keira says blankly, stepping forward. "Just a quick question, I never saw any Platform 9 and 3 quarters on the station's map. So where the hell are we?" The confused girl asked pointing at the platform number on the sign above them.

Word count: 1000

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