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The last brown leaf drifted to the ground of Hogwarts campus as Halloween for closer. The cozy scent of pumpkin spice seemed to refresh every nock of every corridor. Scarfs suitably coloured for each house had been added to students uniforms as the air got colder.
A harsh bell rang throughout the school, authorizing Professor Sprout to dismiss the third-year Slytherins and Ravenclaws from the greenhouse. After thanking Terry Boot for letting her use his spare quill, Keira started her path to the Great Hall for lunch.
"Got your costume yet, Carlyle?" Blaise questioned when she settled down next to Goyle at the table.
"Yeah, actually. Didn' really think too hard abou' it, to be honest." Keira admitted.
"Care to share?" Crabbe asked packing a chicken salad sandwich in his mouth.
Keira began to cram her plate with food when Malfoy sat down next to Pansy and let out a small huff of annoyance.
"Why so glum, Draco?" Pansy inquired.
Malfoy looked at her with narrow eyes and told her that he wasn't to attend the costume party later that month. Malfoy told his friends that he had no hope in knowing what to go as and that he couldn't ask his father for obvious reasons of him not liking Muggles. Keira sat in reflection for a second then spoke out.
"I've got it!" Draco raised his head and delivered her a confused look. "Jack Frost."
"Jack Frost. He's a mythical character who controls all things cold. Ya know, wind, snow, all that stuff." Keira enlightened the boy. "In fact, there's a simple version of him from this movie called Rise of The Guardians that you would be perfect for."

The rest of lunch was spent designing costumes, describing muggle objects and explaining what a movie is, soon the bell rang once more and everyone was off to their next class. Keira came to a halt as Connie caught up to her in the corridor, witty banter was thrown back and forth as they continued on to their shared Transfiguration lesson. Entering the room, Connie took her seat beside Dean Thomas, Keira doing the same next to Neville Longbottom. Today was a rather easy lesson.
"Simple revision on transfigurating water goblets, light chatter will be permitted." Professor McGonagall had said peering at her students through her square spectacles.
Connie started up a conversation with Dean discussing Peeves' latest trick that had been played on a few second-year's earlier that day, as well as discussing the possible whereabouts of Sirius Black, the notorious escaped mass murderer.
Neville, while trying to focus on his work, did his best to talk to Keira, asking her things like how her last glass had gone or if she had done anything interesting, to which Keira informed him that everything was normal.
"Neville, your basically a genius with herbology." The girl began quietly, resulting in a light pink colour to spread across Neville's face. "Could you possibly help me with my essay?"
The boy nodded and mumbled a small "sure" before turning back to his parchment.


Classes had finished and so had dinner. Malfoy stood in the hallway and watched as Keira and Connie laughed at something unbeknownst to him, he was intending to ask Connie to go to the party with him. All he had to do was go over there and ask. Shouldn't be that hard he thought.
"Hey Malfoy," Keira said, now that Draco stood in front of both the girls.
"Hello, Carlyle. I just need to talk to Kennedy for a bit." He explained looking at Connie rather than at Keira.
"Oh sure," Connie said and walked with Malfoy into the next corridor as Keira made her way to meet Neville.
"What do you need?" Asked Connie.
Draco felt his hands become sweaty and heart speed up. Just say it he thought.
"Well, I-" Malfoy stopped talking once his eyes met Connie's, immediately concluding he wasn't ready for this.
"You what?" said Connie slightly impatient.

Think Draco! Think!

"I need the Care for Magical Creatures homework." He quickly yet kindly demanded.
Connie rummaged through her bag searching for the aforementioned homework and handed it to Malfoy who thanked her and muttered a "goodbye" before leaving.
Malfoy didn't actually need the homework, he already did it but it was the first thing that popped into his head.
He still had a week before the party, surely he could ask her by then. But then a heavy thought squeezed its way into Draco's mind.

Exchange to Hogwarts. (On Hold)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin