Lavender's Plan

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All the adrenaline of the entire racoon situation had begun to subside as small conversations broke out amongst the students, even Fred and George had come down the stairs and joined the group. All of them had had no reason to be mad at anyone for the previous events of the night, nevertheless, one Miss Lavender Brown was still quite infuriated that she had been woken up from her deep slumber and to Lavender, since it was Keira's pet who had caused it all, she thought that Keira was to blame.

Lavender already did not like either of the new exchange students, she was jealous at the fact that Connie was starting to have a rather close friendship with Ron Weasley, who happened to be the boy Lavender fancied. And well as for Keira, Lavender just found her rather annoying and vexing, and well she was a Slytherin after all. A dark plan started to stir in Lavender's head as to how she would get 'justice' for being woken up and with Seamus's next question, her plan would play out nicely.
"What were all of you girls doing awake anyway? It's like midnight." Seamus questioned.
"Could ask you the same thing." Ginny teased.
"Well we were stuffing our faces with sweets," Dean confessed with a shrug.
"Oh of course you were." giggled Hermione.
"What like you girls don't eat mass amounts of junk food." Ron scoffed.
"The only one who was eating 'mass amounts of junk food' was little miss gumdrop here," Connie told the boys, nudging Keira's arm, gumdrop being the nickname Connie gave her friend as a result of her wild coloured hair.
"OI!" Keira whined.
"Are you really trying to deny that you-"
"Oh no, I'm not denying it. Just no need to call me out like that." the Slytherin joked.

During the conversation, Lavender realised that she would have to act fast if she was to make a fool out of the new girls, and that's exactly what she planned to do. Her master scheme was to bring up the truth or truth game and suggest they all play, however, once it came time for Lavender to ask a truth she would make sure to bring up the question Keira still hadn't answered --which Lavender had overheard while tossing and tuning in bed-- and then proceed to make a comment about what Kennedy had said about Ron.

"Oh dear, we never did tell you what we had been up to." Lavender declared randomly in her high-pitched preppy voice, catching everybody's attention.
"Probably exchanging beauty tips," Harry muttered, earning a laugh from the boys.
"No Harry, we weren't exchanging beauty tips. We were just playing a simple muggle game called 'truth or truth'." Hermione corrected the Gryffindor seeker.
"Oh! We should all play!" Lavender insisted suddenly and rather loudly, in fact, her sudden loud statement had made some of the teens, especially poor Neville, jump a bit.
"Meh, sounds fun"
"I don't have anything better to do."
"Righto." they each agreed.

The twelve teens were sat in various spots around the common room fireplace. Hermione, Ron and Harry sat on the couch directly across from the fire, Neville and Dean sat on the floor leaning on the stone wall on either side of the fireplace. Lavender sat in one of the large red armchairs while Seamus leaning against the arm of it. Connie chose to sit on the floor in front of where Hermione was sitting on the couch, Ginny joining her sitting in front of Ron, mainly because she wanted to hold Thumper. Fred had occupied the other large armchair that was placed in front of the fire, laying across it to ensure no one else could sit there, and that just left Keira and George to sit on the windowsill, all of the sharing witches and wizards sharing many snacks and beverages.

Before long, Hermione and Ginny had finished explaining the rules and then the game was underway. Most of the questions where pretty civil, none of them were about anything too private, although Fred and George made sure to make their questions at somewhat of a strange level. Over the past ten minutes, they had all learnt new things about each other.
Dean's allergic to blueberries.
Ron has a hole in his tongue due to one of the twins' pranks when they were younger.
Connie told them all about how she wears contacts because of her two different coloured eyes.
One of the best ones so far was when George asked Keira
"What's one of the silliest things that has happened to you or that you've done?" and Keira replied and as always included a few words of Australian slang that some of them still hadn't figured out yet.
"When I was a kid me dad took me and mah fam'ly on a trip to a muggle zoo. And back then I was heaps obsessed with penguins, so when little 5-year-old me saw the enclosure where, like, you can see the penguins swim underwater and stuff, I ran towards it as fast as I could but I was going to fast and couldn't stop in time. So I ended up smacking my face, right on the glass and bloody knocked myself out. Oh, and then for shits'n'gigs, me brothers started throwin' popcorn at me. I was so devo when I couldn't see the 'Roos because of the concussion I had."
They all nearly died of laughter, well in Lavender's case fake laughter. Fred had laughed so much he fell off the armchair.

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