Boggarts After Breakfast

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WARNING: The following chapter contains mentions of anxiety, fear of, failure, spiders, and other phobias.

The next morning each girl decided to sit at their house tables for breakfast. Connie sat between Ginny and Hermione, joking around with the twins. While Keira sat next to Blaise and Goyle as she stuffed her face with toast, Bacon and eggs.
Soon dozens of owls flew overhead, dropping parcels and envelopes down to the students. Connie watched as each of the Weasley siblings received letters from their parents, Neville tore open a letter from his Gran and just as Connie went to grab an apple, a brown parcel fell in front of her. The brown wrapping paper was held together with string and was covered in stamps.

Across the Great Hall at the Slytherin table, Keira had to swiftly move her plate of bacon out of the way as a purple package, covered in just as many stamps as Connie's, fell on the table in front of her. Within moments the wrapping of both parcels was discarded, both girls inspecting the content of their mail.

Within Connie's box, she found packets of raspberry licorice, different types of chocolates, some snacks for Thumper, a few drawing done by her younger siblings and a letter from her parents.

Dear Connie,

We want to say we hope your doing well at school and have made new friends. Also, tell Keira we said hi. Your siblings miss you very much, even if some won't admit it and of course we miss you too. We heard from the Headmaster that you have been sorted into Gryffindor, we always knew you were brave...Grace lost one of her front teeth, Jasper was so jealous he tried to get Spencer to punch him in the face to knock one of his teeth out...everyone's doing well and all that...we really miss you...Hope to hear from you soon.
,Love Mum and Dad.

As for Keira, her box held several Polaroid pictures of her brothers setting random thing on fire and throwing chalk at each other as well as a few other silly shenanigans, three boxes of cookies, one box of muffins, a box of her favorite chocolate, some Raccoon snacks and two letters, one from her Dad...

Dear Keira,

Dad here, your Headmaster sent me a letter to tell me that you had been sorted into Slytherin and to be honest I'm not really too surprised, but to be up there for fifteen minutes, I've always said you and Jarrad were trouble children:). Have you made any new friends yet? The boys are going insane without you here, I've had to stop them from trying to kill each other every five minutes. Jarrad's still getting used to you not being here. He's writing you a letter as well. Oh and Nick made the snacks, one of the cookie boxes is for Connie, tell her we said hi. You two aren't causing to much mischief with you usual shenanigans, I hope.
As for you brothers, as I said they miss you. Marcus' got his first girlfriend by the way...but I'm not supposed to tell you that so shhhh....Larry broke his wrist, again, he fell out of the treehouse..that's about everything that's happened, you know besides our usual family chaos...oh and the boys what's me to tell you that they'll gladly travel to the UK to beat up any guy if needed. Miss you sooooo much

, Love Dad.

...and one from her twin brother Jarrad,

Dear Kazza,

It's ya favorite brother, just wanted to say the house is basically falling apart without you, seriously, the other day Cole and Lucas started wrestling each other over half a tuna sandwich. It's kinda weird not having you here, we've never been this far away for each other this long but don't worry I'll be sure to cause enough trouble and play enough tricks for the both of us. Met any boys yet? If any of them mess with you, I know you can take care of yourself, but I'll gladly take care of them for you... Oh and Slytherin huh, seems about right considering we were once told that we are so wicked and mischievous that it is possible we're the children of the devil himself, remember when Mrs Jenkinson told us that after we turned he cat pink. Ah, the good time they were. Miss you and all that sappy stuff, write to me will ya.

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