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  Pain. That's what Constance felt when she opened her eyes. Pain in her side. Pain in her head. And a large pain in her leg
  She had no idea where she was or how she got here, the last thing that was lodged in her memory was riding on her broom during the Quidditch match.
  Now, now she was laying in a large stone room with hospital beds.

'Hospital beds. I must be in the Hospital wing.'

  The rising sun was giving light to the dark infirmary. Getting out of the bed, she faced away from the huge wooden double doors. Connie felt her knees buckle and fell to the ground wincing pain after hitting the hard floor.

A moment went by before a door opened and rushed footsteps came running towards her and Connie felt a hand on her shoulder and an arm wrap around her waist.
   "Are you alright? You shouldn't be walking yet." said a worried yet smooth voice.

   "Yeah, I'm fine I just- Draco!?" The level of confusion that filled Connie's mind had now double as she faced the boy who had helped her off the floor.
  Why would Malfoy be here? Why did he sound so worried? He didn't even what to be around her.

  "What?" Answered Malfoy quietly.

  "Your arms healed. What are yo- Why am I-" Connie felt nausea creep upon her as her head started to spin.

  "I think you should sit down," Draco suggested when seeing the girls face drain of colour. He helped her sit back on her hospital bed, leaving his hand on her back to keep her stable. "You got knocked off your broom and hit your head. You've been in a coma for a couple of days."

  It took Constance a few seconds to comprehend what Malfoy had told her. She suddenly realised how close he and Draco were sitting as she turned to face him once more and their eyes locked.

  It felt like an eternity, but neither were really bothered. The moment Draco found himself comparing Connie's eyes to warm honey glistening in the morning sunlight, he abruptly stood up clearing his throat.

  "Ah...Perhaps. I..ah..should get Madam Pomfrey, to check your...um..injuries." And with that, Malfoy grabbed her arm and left the Hospital Wing in a brisk walk.


  Regular Thursday morning ruckus was in full swing as students gathered for breakfast. Unfortunately, a certain purple-haired girl was too occupied using every ounce of her self-control not to smack Pansy Parkinson in the face with a piece of toast to make conversation with anyone. Keira's grip on the fork she held tightened to the point of bending, while Parkinson continued to speak.

  "I'd never do such a horrible thing to my hair, especially not with that colour. Honestly, the things the muggle-world comes up with, pathetic really." Pansy commented to Daphne Greengrass, pointing towards Keira's hair in disgust.

  The fork that Keira held was stabbed into the table, catching some attention.
  "Oh, I'm sorry Pansy, " Keira began in a sarcastic mimicking voice. "Shouldn' you be chokin' on your moustache hairs by now, considering how far up your own arse ya nose is."
Pansy and Daphne gasped at the sudden outburst. Keira, a slice of toast in hand, marched out of the Great Hall in such a way that if she were a cartoon, steam would be shooting out of her ears.

  Rounding the corner of a corridor Keira collided with something and had to be quick to catch her balance. Looking up, there stood Connie and Draco.

  "Your awake!" Keira exclaimed hugging Connie.
  "Yeah, I am. Now get off me." Connie states.

  After the usual does-anything-hurt-how-are-you-feeling conversation, Malfoy left for the Great Hall holding a frown on his face, while Keira walked with Connie to the class.

Exchange to Hogwarts. (On Hold)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant