Holding hands

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Over their first weekend at Hogwarts, Keira and Connie had made their best attempts at avoiding both Ronald Weasley and Neville Longbottom. Each girl knew if she were to run into either one, he would want to talk about the events of Friday nights hang out and neither witch was prepared to discuss the topic, so their solution; 

Avoid the problem and it will go away.

The girls knew it wasn't the smartest plan they could have thought of but that's the one they went with. Now to fully carry out this idea Connie and Keira had spent most of the weekend in the Slytherin Dungeons; One, because they both knew Ron and Neville or anyone they would send to look for them, wouldn't dare to try and get into Slytherin housing, except, maybe the twins but they had detention for turning Lavenders face purple with a prank brownie; Two, Keira had complained that 'it's too bright outside' even though the sky had a thick layer of clouds across it.

Some of Keira's fellow housemates weren't too happy having a Gryffindor in their common room, in fact, some weren't too happy to have Keira there either as she was a half-blood, unlike Connie whose blood was pure. Keira was quick to set things straight, the feisty witch had dealt with the situation accordingly. She told stood up on the coffee table in the common room and spoke so everyone in the room could hear.
  "If anyone has a problem with my friend being here, then you deal with me!" 
No one was quite up to the challenge, considering what had happened to Samuel Jensen. 
On the second night at Hogwarts Keira had been taking a quick look around the common room filled with students, before she would go up to her dorm. Jensen had approached her and -like the douche he is- said;
  "Ya know Carlyle, for a pathetic, filthy mudblood, your kinda hot." He thought it a good idea to then slap her arse. Keira -not about to take his shit- with one hand, picked Jensen up off the ground by his collar and told him if he ever spoke to or touched her like that again, she would see to it that he loses both his nuts in a tragic mishap involving a racoon.  From then on no Slytherin dare mess with her, not even Malfoy, hence why he had been so nice to her.

Connie had also made the choice to sit at the Slytherin table for meals. She had caught Ron starting a few times from across the hall but pretend she didn't see him. Throughout the weekend both girls had gotten to know the members of Slytherin house a lot better and after having a few conversations with Draco, they came to the conclusion he wasn't as bad as they thought, yes, he did say some rather rude things now and then but other than that he was a cool guy. It was safe to say that by the time midday rolled around on Sunday, most of the third-year Slytherin students had accepted Keira and Connie as apart of their circle of friends.

The fire flickered and cracked in the dungeons, sending a wave of warmth to fill the large stone room, filled with a few students. Keira sat upside down on one of the deep green sofas, her legs hanging off the back; Connie lay next to her resting both feet on top of Keira's stomach. Both as comfortable as ever in their trackies and hoodies.
  "...can't play in the first Quidditch game now," Draco whined, after being asked how his injured arm was going.
  "Do you have a replacement or something?" Asked Connie.
  "No. They could never replace my expert talents," Uttered Draco proudly. "Professor Hooch has just had to swap the matches. Gryffindor will be versing Hufflepuff in the first match instead of Slytherin." The boy informed.
  "Are there any open spots on the team?" Keira questioned.
  "Slytherin does have a few spots to fill, some of the team graduated last year so we're short about one or two people." Blaise had said 
  "There are tryouts coming up in a few weeks," Crabbe added. 
  "Good to know," Keira said, giving Connie that look all best friends give each other when a teacher tells the class to pick a partner. 
  'Wait, teachers...partners...class, SHIT'

Suddenly, it was like a light bulb had appeared over Keira's head.
  "Wait! What time is it?!" She asked in a panic.
  "1:25pm." Pansy answered in a 'duh' tone.
  "Shit! Imma be late to Snaps class!" Keira spoke.
  "Keira it's only Sunday," Draco stated.
  "I know that, but me and Seamus have to try and make that potion we couldn't finish, ...again," Keira told as she ran up to her dorm to grab some shoes before running out of the common room.
  "DON'T BLOW ANYTHING UP!" Connie yelled after her and a faint, "No promises." was heard as the door to the dungeons closed. There was a momentary silence before Connie spoke up.
  "Suppose I should get going." 
  "You don't have to." Draco blurted out.
  "Actually, I do. Hermione asked me to make sure she doesn't get herself stuck in a 'study spiral'." Connie said, doing air quotation.
  "Well, I'll walk with you." Draco offered, standing up from his place on one of the chairs.
  "Okay," Connie shrugged as they existed the common room and began walking down the corridor.

Many minutes and footsteps later, Connie and Draco were only a few corridors away from the portrait of The Fat Lady. They had spent their time talking about anything and nothing; Favorite foods, activities, classes, etc.
  "How long have you and Carlyle know each other?" Draco asked he was amazed at how each girl almost always knew what the other was thinking.
  "A long time. Her father was a good friend of my parents, we went to the same muggle primary school and then we went to Centerstone together…" Connie trailed off.
Draco nodded pursing his lips, humming in response.
  "What about you?" Asked Connie. "Ya know, how long have you know um...Crabbe and Goyle?"
  "Oh, only since the first year. I didn't really have any fr- anyone to hang out with and I'm an only child and my parents aren't exactly the biggest fans of Muggles, so I didn't go to a primary school." Draco admitted, looking at his shoes. Connie nodded and looked at Draco with a sad smile.

The two continue through the halls slowly. As they were rounding the corner almost at the Grand Staircase the back of Draco's hand brushed against Connie's. Unaware of how court up in the moment she was, absentmindedly, Connie slowly went to grab the boys hand and held it. Draco didn't move his hand away. Evidently, after a few moments, both came to realize what was actually happening. Draco let out a cough to break the silence and quickly they let go of each other's hands, Connie moving a couple of inches away to create a bit of space between the two of them.
  "Ah-so this is you then." Draco mutter in a higher pitch than usual as they reached the top of the stairs where the Fat Lady's portrait was hung.
  "Ah...Yeah." Connie breathed.
  "Well...ah…see you later then," Draco said rubbing the back of his neck.
  "Yep." Connie nodded.
  " Cool...ah, bye," Draco spoke, giving Connie a thumbs up before quickly leaving.
  'A THUMBS UP! HOW STUPID ARE YOU?! GET IT TOGETHER DRACO, your making yourself look more of a fool then Crabbe and Goyle combine.' Draco internally yelled at himself as he hurried back down the stairs making his way to the dungeons.

  "Well, that was awkward." The Fat Lady stated, 
  "Yeah, well-" Connie tried to respond.
  "Would you like me to sing you a song to cheer you up, dear." The Fat Lady offered to take a deep breath, getting ready to sing.
  "NO! Merlin please no!." Connie objected putting her hands out in front of the Fat Lady.
After saying the password the portrait swung open and Connie stepped inside, walking up the stairs to check on Hermione.
  'What just happened?" Connie asked herself as she reached the dorm, thankful that neither Ron or Neville had been in the common room.

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