Conversations and Common Rooms

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Third Person

After the feast had begun Keira and Connie had found themselves trying their best to communicate across the room. After all, no matter how far the girls may have been placed apart they had always found a way to talk, this time the two had chosen to use several hand gestures and a lot of over pronouncing words.

Just as Connie was trying to signal to Keira that Hermione had told her that Gryffindor's and Slytherin's had classes together, the boy with blond hair that Keira had sat next tapped her on the shoulder. Holding up her index finger, Keira signalled for Connie to "wait a second". The girl turned her attention to the boy next to her.

Keira's POV

" ummay I ask, what are you doing?" The boy questioned referring to the hand gestures Connie and I were using to talk.
"I'm trying to talk to my friend who, in case you didn't notice has been put in one of the other houses, " I explained.
"Right. Well Carlyle, now that I know you're not completely insane, I'm Malfoy-" He began
"Draco Malfoy-" I say cutting him off. "Yes, Neville told me all about you and your two little goones, Crabbe and Goyle," I told him remembering what Neville had said about things mean things Draco had done.

"Attention! First years will be shown to their dormitories other students may stay in the Great Hall a little longer if they wish." Dumbledore announced. I, however, made the chose not to stay as I didn't want to talk to Draco anymore.
I got up to leave but before I could Malfoy lightly grabbed my wrist.
"And why on earth would you listen, you pathetic little Longbottom?" Draco questioned, scrunching his nose.
"Because Neville doesn't seem like the type to lie unless he has to," I say as I walk-off
"Oh, and tell your friend I think she's rather pretty." I heard him yell as I exit the Great Hall and follow the group of Slytherins heading to the common room, well technically the dungeons.

Once I had found where my stuff had been placing met my new roommates. There was Pansy Parkinson, Daphne Greengrass and Millicent Bulstrode. The girls were actually quite nice to me, we spent the night talking about the differences between Centerstone and Hogwarts, the teachers and we talked about all the guys at the school too.

Connie's POV

I chose to stay in the Great Hall after Dumbledore informed us that we could go to our dorms if we wanted to. I would have gone but I was to busy talking to my fellow Gryffindors.

"Do we have to sit in our houses all the time?" I asked.
"Oh no, we only really sit in our houses for big events and special occasions. So Keira will be welcome to join us or you will be welcome to join her tomorrow at breakfast." Hermione explained.
"Oh great," I say in relief.
"Why so relieved?" Fred asked I think.
"Oh, it's not that I don't want to sit here, it's just that Keira would most likely blow herself up if I wasn't around to.... advise the decisions that she makes," Connie explained.

"Might not want to let her and Seamus hang out too much, probably blow up the whole school." Neville said, receiving a hit on the shoulder from Seamus who was sitting next to him "He almost set one of the greenhouses on first last year during Herbology." Harry added
"Wait, you have Herbology classes, I love plants," I questioned.
"Yeah we have it with Sprout but Longbottom's the only one who actually understands any of it, besides Granger of course," Seamus explained.
"Oh yeah, Keira did tell me that you particularly liked to talk about plants, Neville. Said that It was quite interesting to listen to you talk about it." I commented. Neville then looked down at the table.
"S-She said I-I was i-interesting?" Neville stuttered out as his cheeks turned a dark pink.
"Might want to be careful talking about Keira around him, Connie." Said the redhead twin to my left
"Yeah, you keep that up Neville over here might just turn as red as his the strips on his tie." Said the twin on my right.

The conversation continued and we began to talk about Quidditch and other basic things like what part of Australia I was from and when my birthday was, which I discovered is on the same day as Neville's birthday.

Later we all decided to head to our dorms and once The Fat Lady let us in Ginny told me that all my stuff had been placed in the room that she, Hermione and a girl named Lavender Brown stayed in. After saying goodnight to the boys, which may I add included a slightly awkward hug from a red-faced Ron, I spent the rest of the night talking to Hermione and Ginny about everything and nothing. I would have talked to Lavender but she was to busy snoring either loudly as she slept.

Among our conversation, Ginny had informed me that Ron could not stop talking about me before I joined them a the table earlier that evening and that she wouldn't mind if the two of us were to date. The girls had both drifted off to sleep and I was left lying in my bed.

'Ron's definitely cute, but I don't know if I want to date him. I mean I just got Hogwarts and i don't even know him that well at all.'  I thought as I closed my eyes and let sleep take over.

Word Count: 945

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