That 'At Home' Feeling

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Weeks had now gone by since Neville and Connie's little chat and big things had happened.

Connie had received a small Cherry Blossom tree with a card that said: "thought you might like this" and of course, she had a rough idea, from the emerald green plastic and silver ribbon the tree was wrapped in, who might have sent it. Keira had not received any sort of gift, unfortunately; this due to the fact that, though Connie had given him advice and he had heard from his Gran about what to do, Neville Longbottom just hadn't done anything. On the brighter side, he and Keira had begun speaking again and would sit together from time to time.

Quidditch tryouts had come and gone, both girls trying out for their house teams. Connie had passed every obstacle Oliver Wood, Gryffindor's Quidditch team captain, could throw at her. Dodging and weaving past bludgers and scoring many practice goals, Connie rightfully earned her place as Gryffindor's new Chaser. The Gryffindor students (except Lavender) were excited to have Connie on the team. Even Katie Bell, whom Connie would be filling in for, was happy to have someone so skilled as a replacement.
The following afternoon Keira had made the Slytherin team and damn well deserved it too. Marcus Flint, Slytherin's captain, wasn't even going to let her tryout,
"Want a team I know can win." He had said.
So Keira thought she'd show him how much she can win, well it sounded better in her head. She'd grabbed a broom after shoulder-barging a tall sixth-year boy out of the way and took off. Flint had no choice but to add her as the team's new Beater, especially after Keira managed to knock all three chasers off balance with a single bludger.

The girls had celebrated their achievements with their first trip to Hogsmead. Connie, though she hadn't planned to, spent most off her day with Draco Malfoy, who gladly walked around and accompanied her despite the protest of a few of his friends. She had made sure to thank him for the Cherry Blossom tree, though with a red face he denied sending it. They were joined by Keira when they entered Honeydukes and at the sight of the several shelves of sweets both girls jaws dropped and Keira nearly fainted.
Neville Longbottom had decided he would buy Keira a lollipop as a small gift to start, but as he went to walk over to her the lollipop was snatched out of his hand by something he couldn't see, Neville knew he was prone to losing things but that was just ridiculous.

Days filled with classwork, meals and fun glided by and Hogwarts' exchange students had grown to fill quite at home in the old Castle. Both had made friends with several students in other houses and years, Keira had hung out with Hannah Abbott and a few other Hufflepuffs, also becoming close to Luna Lovegood, a second-year Ravenclaw, and Connie had gotten to know a boy named Terry Boot from Ravenclaw.
Existing friendships grew stronger and despite any rivalry that there was, the girls treated all their friends the same.
But that isn't to say they didn't have their favourites, because after spending many detentions together, both girls had made a special spot in their hearts for Fred and George Weasley. Nothing romantic of course, though the boys were rather charming, Keira and Connie already had little crushes to deal with.
Through the friendly mood had risen a problem, news of what had happened in Defense Against the Dark Art with Keira's boggart had spread like wildfire through the school and the poor girl couldn't seem to go a single day without someone bringing it up. The constant reminder of why she only had her father and brothers was chipping away at her, Keira chose to mask her pain with sarcasm as she usually did, so no one was any wiser of the hurt she was feeling.

The end of October rolled around and everyone seemed to be buzzing with excitement as Halloween grew nearer. Something of which Connie and Keira didn't quite understand as they never really celebrated Halloween in Australia. At breakfast one morning, Professor Dumbledore reminded the students of the annual feast and had informed them that this year Hogwarts would be holding a Halloween costume party. "The parties theme will be Muggle Culture."
For the rest of the day, students would talk amongst themselves, trying to come up with costume ideas. Hufflepuff students were quick to offer their sewing skills to help their fellow students to make anything they needed. Ravenclaws and Gryffindors were overjoyed at the mention of a party and many Slytherin students weren't too happy with the theme. They thought it tedious to focus on the muggle world but nonetheless wanted to attend the party.
Muggle-born students became surrounded by larger groups than usual, using their knowledge of muggle pop-culture to assist with their friend's with costume ideas.
  "Hermione, you live in the muggle world, what should I go as?" questioned Ron.
  "Well, I suppose you'd want a character with red hair."
  "Yeah, that'll be good. Don't wanna deal with an itchy wig."
Similar discussions continued for a while longer and a few boys and girls came to conclusions on their costumes. On the other hand, many were still undecided on what to be disguised as.


Soz for the sort chapter. Had a bit of writer's block for this part.

Exchange to Hogwarts. (On Hold)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum