Forever(Richard Madden-Part 1)

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*Lola's pov*

I grew up in a pretty normal life considering my mum was an Irish actress who was also a Broadway darling in America and in the UK my dad was a famed American producer who worked with the likes of Elton John, Ozzy Osbourne, The Spice Girls, and much more I loved everything about my life even when my parents split when I was 6 my dad deciding to split is time between the States and in London spending time with me and my older brother Cal...the acting bug hit me hard my first big movie was Kingsman which lead me to an incredible friendship with my costar Taron Egerton we became so close during filming being a couple of the youngest on set even carried when I had to move to the States when I joined the Marvel Cinematic Universe...he ended up introducing me to my now boyfriend of almost 2 years Richard Madden when we met the attraction was instant we hung out a little bit then we realized we both fell for each other quickly..we kept our relationship quiet for months it only coming out when I attended the Golden Globes with him and someone saw us share a kiss at an after party of course fans went nuts over it..a year and a half later here we were in London Richard was filming Eternals and I was enjoying a much needed time off before returning to film for the show Falcon and The Winter Soldier..I was curled up in bed when I felt a kisses being pressed to my cheek "Stop it"

Richard chuckled "Love wake up.."

I grumbled burying my face in the pillow "No."

He kneeled on the bed "Baby I'm actually home."

I glanced at the clock Richard had left at 1am and I couldn't go back to sleep only finally falling back asleep around 5am then waking up at 10 to eat something and take a shower I fell asleep watching a movie it was now 2 "Wrapped?"

Richard nodded "Have you been in bed all morning?"

I rolled over on my back "Sorta I fell back asleep around 5 woke up at 10 ate and took a shower I guess I fell asleep watching the movie."

He smiled "Guess that's my fault I have been very selfish with you this week you being in America and me here I've had you all to myself all week."

I smiled softly "Trust me I'm definitely not complaining."

Richard nodded "Maybe waking you up for a quickie before I left wasn't such a good idea..I should of left you to sleep."

I yawned softly as I pushed myself up "It's okay darling."

He tucked my hair behind my ear "I love you"

I smiled "I love you"

Richard smiled softly "So are you up to getting up and going out for dinner?"

I nodded "Yeah I'll have to fight my hair I kinda fell asleep with it wet."

He laughed "You still look beautiful love."

I rolled my eyes "Lies.."

Richard playfully grabbed my waist as he laid back pulling me with him "Never."

I smiled down at him "You know this isn't going to get me up and ready."

He smiled moving my hair out of the way "I know but god I love you."

I smiled "And I love you too."

Richard let his thumb brush across my cheek "I really am I lucky man."

I bent my head letting my lips brush lightly against his "Yes you are.."

He chuckled softly "Love.."

I pressed a soft kiss to his incredibly full lips "I love you Richard Madden."

Richard smiled "And I love you Avery Viola Cole"

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