When I Look At You(Richard Madden-Part 4)

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*Briah's pov*

When we finally told everyone we were expecting they were thrilled especially our parents...more so when we told them we would be welcoming a daughter Everleigh Grace Madden....the pregnancy was incredible to my surprise and Richard was amazing....on December 19 our little Evie was born a few weeks early but healthy and already a daddy's girl...today was Christmas Day and the house was full of our families even Lily and Taron stopped by to see their goddaughter...I sat on the couch Emery laying on my chest asleep..I smiled as Richard walk over "Having fun with the kids?"

Richard placed a hand on the arm and one on the back he leaned down pressing a light kiss to Everleigh's head then to my lips "We're having fun but I came to check on my girls."

I smiled "We're doing just fine hanging out with Grammy and Nana."

He smiled "Sure you're not up to joining us?"

I brushed my thumb across his chin "Baby I gave birth 6 days ago I'm good."

Richard nodded "You need me love just yell."

I smiled softly "I will.."

He gave me another kiss then went back to play with the children....

I stood a little later placing Everleigh in her bassinet joining the others in the kitchen I kissed my dad's cheek then my brother Jack's...Tony was with Richard playing with the kids "Hi."

Dad smiled "Hi sweetheart."

I smiled "I'm starving."

He laughed "I imagine so."

Mom handed me a small plate "Here darling.."

I sat down on the other side of my dad so I could easily peak in at Evie..."Food..."

Jack laughed "At least one thing hasn't changed Bri's love of food."

I laughed "3 months of not being able to eat much of anything I'm still making up for it."

He laughed "The love of food is real."

"Aye it is."

I looked up to see Richard and boys walking in taking off coats and such "Too cold?"

Richard walked up behind me pressing a quick kiss to my lips "Yeah...started snowing."

I nodded "Evie is down for a little while."

Lindsey Jack's wife stood "Same for these two boys Jacob Lucas come you two."

I watched the two toddlers follow their mother up to our guest room "Sooo Tony when are you and Heather going to have a couple?"

Tony laughed "We just got married Bri."

I shrugged "So did I only 7 months ago..."

He nodded "And Richard made sure that was taken care of before you got married."

Richard buried his face into my neck laughing "Oh god."

I laughed "Just saying you are getting up there in age big brother."

Tony laughed "I am only 2 years older than Richard and Jack."

Jack laughed "And my wife just turned 31 and his 30."

Heather laughed "I'm pregnant guys....14 weeks....we were planning to tell you guys tomorrow but our darling Briah is too observant."

I laughed "I knew it!"

Tony laughed "And yes we found out while we were on our honeymoon."

I smiled "So boy or girl?"

He laughed "Girl Madeline Jane Langston..."

Richard Madden OneshotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ