Lovely(Richard Madden-Part 2)

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*Arin's pov*

Barely 1 week and a half after the Golden Globes Richard and I married in front of our families and the small amount of friends that were able to make it on such short notice but it was amazing...on May 13th we welcome Jackson Richard Madden to the the world and he was simply perfect he favored his father so much.  Jackson was now 3 months old and I was promoting a film I was apart of the live action Anastasia which was amazing and I had filmed long before I had gotten pregnant with Jackson...with Jackson with his father I was waiting to go out I got a notification from Instagram clicking it I saw a video of Richard and Jackson watching the animated version of Anastasia *We both think mummy's Anastasia is so much better @arinulrichmadden we love you* with a smile I commented *My boys I love you both* when my name was called I tucked my phone in my pocket and walked out greeting Ellen with a kiss to the cheek "Hi."

Ellen smiled "You are I hear you just celebrated your 31st birthday."

I nodded "I did on June 25...which is funny enough a week after my husband's."

She smiled "One long birthday celebration?"

I laughed as they showed a picture from my Instagram from my birthday party of me and Richard with our friends which included Kit, Lily, Taron, and a few others "It used to but we're parents now so we are a little more grown up about it although this birthday we took a mini mum and dad break my mum and stepdad kept the baby."

Ellen smiled "Those are needed huh?"

I laughed "Sometimes...I'm kidding Richard had to force me to go we were gone two days and it felt like forever I called my mum like very was silly honestly."

She nodded "You welcomed your first child with husband Richard Madden back in May after secretly marrying after the Golden Globes back in January."

I nodded "Yeah we had a very small wedding it was very last minute my dad flew back with us after the Critics Choice Awards we arranged it in 3 days counting our families we had about 40 people there my stepdad actually got ordained 4 days after we got home we got felt better that way keeping it between our families and our friends who were able to attend."

Ellen nodded "And that beautiful baby boy."

I smiled at the picture Richard took of me and Jackson in a field in Scotland me kissing his head as he looked towards the camera " know they always say you never know what you're missing in your life until you have a child and I will say it's true...he wasn't planned by any means but I couldn't imagine life without him...he brought a calm to my life that turns out I really needed...being mummy is honestly the best feeling in the world."

She smiled "You do have a odd accent which has landed you quite a few roles."

I nodded "I was born here in California my dad is a California native born and raised my mum is part Irish raised in mum moved us to England when I was 3 so I already had my little American accent but I was around my Irish grandfather and my Scottish grandmother and living in London I formed this odd accent but I can switch between them so easily no training it was just what I grew up hearing...its so funny when people discover I am a little really a dual citizen I could live either place but London is home I love it there I do miss my dad terribly and he does fly out regularly when touring allows and when Richard and I need a break from London weather we try to head out here.."

Ellen smiled "Now people know the story of Anastasia and the cartoon movie that came out in the did it feel to get called for that part."

I smiled "I was so excited I loved that movie as a kid it's still one of my favorites...Richard was filming in Croatia when I got the call about them remaking Anastasia and I was offered the role I happily accepted...I called Richard told him told my parents...I was so excited.."

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