A Little Crazy(Richard Madden-Part 2)

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*Claire's pov*

Life was pretty incredible while Richard was filming Rocketman I did reshoots and began filming a movie I was rather excited about a live action remake of Anastasia...even thougkh we were both busy on set we managed to see each other often so it kinda sucked when we had to go to California to do some interviews to promote his show Bodyguard it wasn't long till I was able to joing him for a much needed holiday before returning to the real world...after the new year I attended a slew of award shows with Richard I was quite proud to be sitting there when he won his first Golden Globe for Bodyguard the excitement didn't end at the after parties so it wasn't a huge surprise when I found out a month later I was pregnant Richard was ecstatic we decided to tell no but our parents and and siblings...I hid it pretty well last month while doing the rounds to promote Endgame but now I was doing the rounds to promote Little Women and there was no hiding it now I was showing so I opted to wear a dress that made it obvious I was pregnant...today I had an interview with James Corden to promote the movie but Taron and Richard were as well to promote Rocketman...I stood backstage preparing to go on I smiled as Richard placed a gentle hand on my side "I'm fine."

Richard smiled "I know love you just look so beautiful."

I smiled "Richard."

He tilted my head up pressing a brief kiss to my lips "The beautiful mother of my child."

I smiled "I swear.."

Taron rolled his eyes playfully "I feel so left out."

I smiled "Poor Taron."

He laughed "You do look lovely Claire positively glowing."

I smiled as my name was called "I gotta go."

Richard kissed my cheek "See you in a bit."

I smiled and walked out...I greeted James with a smile and a hug..I sat down with smiling "Hi.."

James was shocked "You're pregnant?!"

I laughed and the crowd cheered "I am.."

He laughed "Last time I saw you was for Endgame last month and you mentioned nothing about a baby...you mentioned wedding plans were coming a long...so is wedding still happening in December?"

I nodded "It is...I think it will far more special with out little one there.."

James laughed "How far along are you now?"

I smiled "Barely 20 weeks we're due in early October late September."

He nodded "Did any of the Avenger cast know during the week of promoting that you were pregnant?"

I nodded "Richard was only able to attend the premiere then had to leave so he made sure to tell them to watch me and make sure I eat but no one else was told...until now.."

James nodded "Congratulations...now people make the comment about you and your brother Kit Harington and the hair."

I nodded "My hair is naturally not as dark as Kit's but I'm naturally a brunette obviously but when I was cast as Bryce Stark she was described as a blonde with hazel eyes...well I refused to go blonde so we compromised to lightening my hair and adding highlights...I ended up liking it so I've kept it...trust me Kit and I are very much related."

He nodded "You announced the last time you were here that your contract with Marvel ended...that Endgame was your last movie."

I nodded "Yes...this is a role I've had since I was a teenager I loved the friends I've made the places I've been because of these movies....I would love to play Bryce for the rest of my life but all good things come to an end I cried my heart out when I wrapped for the final time...this is something I get to show my children one day like look what mummy did look at what I was apart of for 9 movies 12 years..."

Richard Madden OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora