Saving Me(Bodyguard: David Budd-Oneshot)

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*Morgan's pov*

I lived a pretty simple life I owned a boutique that did quite well...I owned my little house...I lived a nice life even when I let my friend David move in after separating from his wife Vicky who I was also friends with things were quite civil between the 3 of us David was friends with my brother and served together sadly Lucas didn't make it home...when Dave showed up on my doorstep that night I did what Lucas would of done I let him stay checking with Vicky that it was okay...I did all I could to help him through all of this one night after a few to many drinks Dave and I slept together we both knew this changed everything between us...we were no longer just friends I was no longer just his late friend's little sister...even though Vicky was seeing someone I came clean to her over coffee and she assured me that even though she still cared for Dave she was glad if he was going to move on with anyone it was me someone the children knew and loved someone she trusted completely to put Ella and Charlie above all things....the past year has been difficult with everything that had happened with the bombings, Home Secretary Julia Montague's death..them trying to pin it all on watching him with a bomb strapped to his chest I don't know who found that harder to deal with me or Vicky...her for their children for me because I was madly in love with this man....once cleared of everything things seemed to get better there were still threats..Dave was in therapy the nightmares still happened...the kids were happy that their parents were happy again even if they weren't together anymore...but today Dave was in a mood...I sighed "I can't close my bloody shop just because you say so David.."

David sighed deeply "Love I'm not saying so..there is a suspect that has seen around the area I'm thinking about your safety."

I shook my head "I'm not helpless Dave."

He ran a hand over his face "I know you're bloody not I know that more than anyone but this is far more than you and me....your safety means more to me than anything else right now you, Ella, and Charlie...I know you hate that you always have but sometimes you have to suck it up love and deal with it."

I ran a hand through my hair "You sound like Lucas."

David finally raised his voice "At least you bloody listened to him...what will it take for you to quit being so goddamn stubborn and realize how dangerous this is right now...that I'm trying to keep you and our baby safe...for fuck sake Morgan!!"

I stopped turning my back to him we always said no matter how angry we got sat each other yelling wouldn't happen I dealt with it far too much growing up with my parents and their constant arguing and screaming "I'm going to work.."

He sighed stepping closer to me "Love I'm sorry.."

I shook my head "Don't."

David sighed trying to stop me "Love.."

I shook my head "You need to calm down and I need to go."

He sighed deeply "Morgan please."

I shook my head after gathering my things I left...I knew hormones and my stubborness got the better of me but I had to walk away...I ignored his texts and calls needing to clear my own mind that was until we were suddenly locked down I was terrified and wishing I had listened to David instead of being me...when my phone rang again I quickly answered it "Dave.."

"Love are you okay?"

I nodded looking at Penelope and Lori who were obviously scared to death "The man is a few shops down..babe I'm sorry I should of listened to you."

"Don't...listen to me love I want you to get the others to the back of the shop someone will be there to get you.."

I nodded "David..I'm scared."

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