Surprises(Richard Madden-Part 3)

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*Richard's pov*

Becoming a father was the best thing to ever Liam Richard Madden was born December 24, 2019 he was almost a Christmas Day baby..Tatum was a natural...between both our families Liam brought something special to our lives our parents were overjoyed, our siblings loved their nephew...and the kids loved their cousin...Liam was now two and Tatum and I decided to start trying for another baby...and here we were expecting again got easier to deal with the media when it came to our relationship and there was a huge MCU gathering past and present which also meant the first time Tatum and I would be interviewed together that wasn't a red carpet...I stood watching my wife interact with her former costars...I smiled as Elizabeth Olsen walked up "Hey.."

Elisabeth smiled "As long as I've known her I haven't seen her this happy as I have these past 3 years...hell 6 years..."

I smiled "I hope it's because of me."

She nodded with a smile "Oh trust me it is..when we were filming Infinity War and Endgame all she could talk about was how happy she is with different things were...I was all Team Tris but I like the way Tate is with you she's mellow she's more relaxed I'm full on Team Jadden now."

I laughed "Jadden?"

Elizabeth laughed "I saw it on Twitter."

I laughed "So we finally have a couple name?"

She laughed "Appears have you finally decided on names for the Madden girls?"

I smiled "Charley Grace and Emily Harper."

Elizabeth smiled "I love Charley."

I smiled "Tatum insisted on naming her after Callum's dad Charles...she adored that man..he passed when Liam was a few months old....Emily was just a name she liked...I picked the middle names."

She smiled "I love them I really do.."

I smiled softly before like we were seated I sat with most of phase 4 which had a mix of those in the previous movies which my wife was involved in even with her involvement in the Falcon and Winter Soldier series...I watched her with a smile her face lit up as she talked.."Oh I was a fan before I met her....little did I expect she'd become my wife that I would marry Savannah Gray.."

Adam the interviewer laughed "Who knew Disney would be the reason for this union Robb Stark and Savannah Gray."

Tatum laughed "Oh my gosh....but seriously we met as the premiere of Cinderella I took my niece with me and we here we are 6 years later married with kids."

Sebastian laughed "Little Liam..what a little riot."

She smiled "My baby.."

I chuckled "He's a mummy's boy without a doubt."

Adam nodded "This is the most you both have ever talked about your private life."

Tatum nodded "We want our kids to live as normal of a life as we can give them considering..but we also know people genuinely wonder about our family for the right reasons so occasionally we'll talk about about Liam...share pictures."

Sebastian chuckled "And he is the sweetest little guy ever."

I smiled listening to everyone talk about all the kids born into the MCU...I nodded slightly "I won't lie I knew who Tatum was through theater and I did see her in the first Iron Man movie but I never really watched until we started dating and I was amazed by what she did."

Adam nodded "Tatum how was it bringing Savannah Gray to the show Falcon and The Winter Soldier?"

Tatum smiled "So much fun working with Sebastian and Anthony was a breeze and they made it so easy to bring Liam to set..."

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