Chapter 33: Gut feeling.

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Everything is going to be okay. Two months have passed since we discovered Alessandro was using his grandfather's identity. In those two months a lot has changed. The news on the TV run continuously with the stories we provide them of Alessandro and his bad business. His company has crumbled and I have acquired it as my own giving new hope to those who worked for him in the business field and in the other field. 'I never thought I would be okay being what they call a Queen of a organized crime group. The truth is in this day in age I almost wonder which are worse us the so called Mafia or those who they call our politicians, our police, and our government. All I know is these men who are my so-called Mafia Family is that each one of them would die to protect my family. With that I so in return I've sworn the same pledge. I never asked for this but I will not back down.' I think to myself as I sit putting the finishing touches on Grace for today is her wedding to Dom.

After all of the chaos and the news about Alessandro no right minded judge was going to keep her married to that psycho so it wasn't hard to get a divorced even without his consent being that no one can find him. Now she sits there looking radiant as ever and truthfully happier than I've ever seen her. Her hands are shaking though. I hold her hand to give her the support that I feel she needs. "Hey Grace, don't worry Dom loves you he is going to make you his world after today if he hasn't already. There's nothing to be nervous about.' I say trying to calm her. "I'm not nervous. Matter of fact I am so excited I can't stop my body from vibrating with Glee. I just want to thank you so much. If it wasn't for you helping me to escape saving my life really and giving me the strength I wouldn't have been able to make it to get to this part of my life that is truly heaven." She says as she pulls me into a hug.

"Grace, I think you're under estimating yourself I didn't help you escaped we did it together you did as much as I did if it wasn't for you I'd still be locked up in there. As for the strength that you claim I give you you're forgetting you had that all on your own." I comment. "You put up with a man... no I'm sorry that's not right you loved a man that should never have been loved but your heart was big enough to find whatever shred of decency he had left and you held on to that even though he hurt you time and time again..... that's strength. You got up even when your body was dying blood pouring but you got up refusing to give up and let someone else die or be hurt.... you got up and walked over to me and helped to release me. You walked with me the whole way through the house. Yes, you might have been leaning on me but you were the one who guided me you walked when you had no strength to walk but you did to save me and lets not even mention the one hell of motivational speech you gave me about driving the car when I was scared and starting to give up hope." I explained. "I didn't save you Grace and I didn't give you strength. We saved ourselves and each other we gave each other the ability to recognize the strength that was already within us both. This Heaven that you have now is yours because you made it so. You never gave up and you push through. You deserve this heaven more than anybody because you clawed your way out of hell to get it." I say squeezing her hands.

"I'm so glad and proud not only to call you my friend but now my family. Now let's get out there before Dom comes in here worrying about where his beautiful wife is. This is the beginning of a long beautiful happy life for you now you hold your head up high don't cry because I can't keep fixing our makeup. You walk with pride because you are a strong, beautiful, caring woman who has man that truly deserves you and also worships you." I say to her tears falling down my eyes.

We hug it out one more time and then it's off to walk down the aisle. 'Today's a good day.' I tell myself. 'Today's a great day.' I say again. However for some reason in the pit of my stomach I just can't convince myself of my own words. I have a gut feeling. A storm is coming and I'm not sure if we will survive.

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