Chapter 21: I WILL KILL HIM!

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(Edwin's POV)

I'm currently sitting in my conference room with all my loved ones. 'I'm honestly so grateful for the life that I have. I have three amazing parents that show me everyday what love truly is capable of. I have amazing cousins and their children. I have an amazing best friend who is my brother. I cannot wait to be an uncle to his child as he is to mine. I have two beautiful amazing kids who are the light of my life. I have Shane who is so kind and understanding. Just feeling the love that he has for me is wonderful, but to see the love that he has for Abigail is truly life changing. Then there is Abigail. My sweet Abigail. My wife. She is my heart my soul my everything. She has pulled me out of more dark places then I can recall. Not that I ever let on that I was struggling to anyone including her she'll never truly know how important she is to me.' I think.

I'm cut off from my thoughts as my men run in with pale and terrified looking faces. "What's wrong?" I jump up asking them. "Sir we have a situation." Trevor my lead tells me. "What's the situation?" I ask now getting annoyed. "About 10 minutes ago we got a report from the guards that were with Emma and Abigail. They were ambushed." He said. I round the table walking quickly towards him "What the fuck do you mean that they were ambushed are they okay." I ask. "Three of our men were killed and two where badly injured." He stated. "Okay gather all the men give proper burials for those fallen and make sure to see if they have family as we will now take care of them. Get the other men to the Doctor. Now what about the girls I asked if they are alright. Who ambushed them in the first place. I feel like your leaving pieces out." I tried to speak calmly. "Emma was shot in the arm." Everyone gasps. "But it wasn't fatal thanks to Abigail. Abigail saved all their lives according to Scott." He said. "Is my wife okay? Who ambushed them?" I asked.

He looks at his phone. "They are back. I have the injured going to the medic wing and the remaining coming up here. Scott will brief us in more detail in a moment." He stated. Suddenly the door bursts open and a frantic Emma runs in with blood dripping down her arm. "Help her please... you have to help her." She cries as she grabs my suite jacket and shakes me. I turn cold. 'Help her? She said HER.... as in... NO.. NO.. NO... where is Abs?' I thought. "WHERE IS MY WIFE?" I yell. "He took her. He has her. She made a deal with him that she would go with him willingly if he didn't hurt anyone else as he was pointing several guns at Emma and her belly. She was trying to save her. Trying to save all of us if I'm being honest." Emma explains as she grips her baby bump while Jack hugs her. "Who? Who has my wife?" I ask.

"Alessandro" was her reply. My blood runs cold. 'Him..he has her...that sick bastard has my love' I thought. To say I'm worried is an understatement. I know what he is capable of I know his twisted interactions with women. I've heard the stories. I've seen the aftermath. Girls dropping out of school after being with him due to what he had done to them. Girls coming up missing. Him forcing them to do things beyond their limits... sometimes vile things. They say he once rapped a girl so brutally that she died from the damaged done to her insides. Now my babygirl is with that monster. He never truly loved her. He craves her. He craves her innocent soul. He is a monster.

The guard that was there comes to me with a sad look. Everyone in my extended family loves Abby. "She wanted me to tell you all something." He started trying to hold back the sob in his throat. To see one of my men choke back tears means it's bad and I'm actually scared to know what she wanted to say. "She wanted me to tell her babies that their mamma loves them and they are her most precious gift. She wanted Shane to know that she loves him and wish they could have spent more time together and tell him how she felt. She wanted him to take care of Mr. Donovan and her babies. Mr. Donovan she said she was so sorry. She said to tell you she could not let anyone else especially Emma get hurt. She wanted to let you know that you are her soulmate and she love you more than her own life. You are the only one that owns her heart and soul. She said to take care of the babies and tell them how much she loves them so they can remember her. She wanted everyone to know she loves you all and is so grateful for the time she got to spend with all of you." He stated as he was now crying. My knees buckle and I drop. She said goodbye. That's what all that was. She knew she would not make it back to me alive. She is saying her goodbyes. My world stops.

Sobbing. That's all you hear is sobbing sounds. "I'm so sorry I failed you sir. I'm even more sorry I failed her." He says. "He was more then prepared we honestly had no way out. I will die for her Sir. The guys and I will get her back." He said. "That we will. Bring the men in we are going to find a way to not only bring our Queen back but to destroy the enemy once and for all. No one touches my wife." I said. "Alessandro your days are fucking coming to an end. No one and I mean No one harms my wife." I seeth.

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