you're always on my mind

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To my love,

I've started to notice how I can never get you off my mind. Every other thing reminds me of you. While I'm not used to it, and the last two times it's happened, it's not been a good thing, I find it nice. The problem is, what does this mean? Is it what love should be, or some twisted and weird obsession I should try to shut down? Or maybe I'm tired, and need a good night's rest to get you off my mind. Perhaps it's one of those things, I just need to get you out of my system, but then the more time I spend with you, the more I've gotten to know you, I've called further for you. You're what I want, you're the decision I'll make. And that's, scary. Maybe I should sleep. I'll just go to bed now, and worry tomorrow. Or Tuesday, or Wednesday. Whenever it is, it will happen. Until then I'll let you wander around my mind. I don't mind it, it'd just new and odd.


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