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By the time Elliot got back with Lucy, Olivia was inside and pacing the living room as she rubbed gentle circles into her swell. Olivia was a champ when it came to labor, so Elliot and Lucy weren't too worried about her having been alone for about an hour.

"Hey there, little mama." Lucy smiled, as she came into the house with her bags. Elliot walked in quietly behind her as he watched his wife work through a contraction.

"Hey, Lucy... uh, the contractions are about 8 minutes apart at the moment. My water is still intact, and God do these hurt." Olivia huffed a bit. She wasn't angry, she was just so out of breath from the last contraction that she couldn't speak normally.

"Sounds like Violet is going to be coming tonight or early tomorrow morning. What do you want?" Lucy asked as she patted the bag on her side that had an inflatable pool in it.

"Not that... I don't know what I want right now." Olivia sighed softly.

"What about something to drink?" Elliot asked quietly. He was the normal nervous expectant father right now, even if this was his fifth kid.

"Water please, babe." Olivia smiled softly. She looked at her husband as he nodded slowly and moved to the kitchen.

"God, that man is always so nervous." Lucy laughed softly.

"That will all fade away once Violet is here. Now, what do you need to do?" Olivia asked.

"Examine you. Feel Violet's position. Listen to her heart and yours. You know the drill."


Three hours after Lucy got there, Olivia's labor had stalled. She was still getting contractions, but they weren't doing anything to help her. She tried walking around, taking a shower, but in the end, she just crashed in her bed for a while. She needed as much sleep as possible to keep going.

"So, how was your date?" Elliot asked as he and Lucy hung out downstairs. The kids were all sleeping, and so was Olivia. They had some time to talk, which eased Elliot's nerves a bit.

"Val is the best thing that has happened to me, Elliot." Lucy smiled.

"I'm glad that you two are happy. Have plans to really move things forward?" Elliot questioned.

"Well, we are really dating now. Officially. Anything after that will have to wait." Lucy explained. She heard walking around upstairs, and she stood and left Elliot to head upstairs and check things out.

"Aunt Lucy?" Aaron asked, and Lucy stopped on the landing and smiled at her nephew.

"Hey, sweet boy. What are you doing up?" Lucy asked, as she lifted him up and carried him downstairs. She sat him on the couch between his father and herself.

"I heard you and Daddy talking. Where is Momma?" Aaron asked.

"Momma is upstairs sleeping. She's tired." Elliot spoke, as he ran his fingers through his son's hair.

"Then why are you two up?" Aaron asked. Lucy lifted her nephew up and held him close as she spoke.

"Your Momma is working on bringing Violet here, honey. Before you know it, you will have another baby sister." Lucy smiled. Aaron quickly climbed off his Aunt's lap before speaking a mile a minute.

"If I go back to bed now, will Violet get here sooner? Like Santa?" He asked. Elliot covered his face with his hands as he tried not to laugh.

"You never know, Mister. Now, head back up to bed and shut your door."

"Yes, ma'am!" He exclaimed before running back to the stairs.


Labor picked up again at around 5 in the morning. Elliot slipped from the house to do the chores, as Lucy supported Olivia through the strongest contractions that she had experienced so far during this labor. By the time Elliot came inside, he could hear the crying and panting from upstairs. Elliot quickly went running up the stairs and went straight to his bedroom. He opened the door and found his wife pacing the room as she cried.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Elliot asked, as he quickly walked to Olivia.

"I'm stalled again." Olivia sobbed.

"Oh, Liv-"

"Elliot, I don't know how much longer I can do this. All I want is to meet Violet. I want to hold her and see who she looks like more. I'm so tired of feeling these contractions, but not dilating more." Olivia sobbed. Her husband wrapped his arms around her body and hugged her tightly. He ran his hands over her back as he started to help sway her back and forth.

"Livvie, I know that this is hard for you, but it will all be worth it in the end. Now, does Lucy have anything that can help you progress more?" Elliot asked.

"She said that she could break my water and see, but I don't know." Olivia sniffled. She hated interventions. She hated that she could have Grant nor Jane at home because they were both sick. She didn't want to have to go to the hospital just because Violet was being difficult.

"If that is what she thinks is the best, then let's do that." Elliot smiled.

"Are you sure?" Olivia whispered.

"Baby, I'm tired of seeing you in pain. If that can help you, then let's do this."


Olivia was still in labor at noon that day. Bernie and Serena had come over to take care of the kids, while Elliot and Lucy focused on Olivia and Violet.

Olivia was starting to get extremely tired and couldn't go too much longer. Lucy was thinking about call an ambulance, but then everything sped up quickly, and it wasn't long before Elliot was calling for Lucy because Olivia was pushing.

"Okay, I guess I shouldn't have left." Lucy chuckled, as she quickly came into the room and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Help me. Something's wrong." Olivia sniffled.

"Hey, nothing is wrong. Everything is going to be okay." Lucy smiled.

Within ten minutes of Lucy coming back, and after having to pause for a bit to untangle the cord from around Violet's neck, the newest Stabler was born. But even if everyone was so happy, it turned to fear when they saw that Violet's lip wasn't normal.

"What's wrong with her? They didn't see anything on the scans!" Olivia sniffled, as she held her baby as tears streamed down her cheeks.

"It's a cleft lip and it might be a cleft palate too... I'll have to look into her mouth. But either way, we need to take her to the hospital, okay? So Liv, do you want an ambulance or do you want to drive?" Lucy asked. Olivia looked at her husband as he caressed Violet's hair.

"I don't want to risk your life or her life. So let's get an ambulance and get this all figured out." Elliot spoke, before leaning close and kissing his wife softly.

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