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The storms destroyed most of the town and the houses around. A state of emergency was declared and everyone got help. Elliot's siblings traveled from the east coast to help repair Olivia and Elliot's house, because before they know it, Violet would be making her appearance and would need a place to sleep.

"I hate this." Olivia sighed, as she rubbed her swell in between cleaning up the mess left behind after their livestock was killed.

"I do too." Elliot agreed. He walked over to his wife and slipped his gloves off before placing his hands to her hips.

"Can we afford to start over again? Because we have worked so hard just to breed our animals so we had more." Olivia breathed, as she heard a car stop in the driveway.

"We have our nest egg. Don't worry." Elliot smiled softly, before kissing his wife. They walked away from the rubble and into their driveway. A few cars were there, and Elliot's siblings spilled out. 

"I'm so sorry that this happened to you guys." Elliot's older brother, Randy, spoke as he walked towards his baby brother.

"We will get through this. Hopefully within the month." Elliot spoke. He hugged his brother before Olivia was passed to Randy.

"When were we going to find out about baby number five?" Elliot's oldest sister, Hayley, questioned.

"Now I guess." Olivia sighed softly. They greeted all of the Stabler kids before sending them to see Val and Joseph where they were trying to patch up the kitchen. Olivia and the kids were staying with Lucy while the house was getting fixed, and Elliot was staying with his parents.

"You look exhausted, Liv." Elliot frowned, as he and his wife moved back to cleaning up.

"I am exhausted, El. But we need all the help possible." Olivia sighed. She moved over and went to pick up a piece of wood, before stopping herself.

"Gonna head back to the house?" Elliot asked, and Olivia groaned before nodding.

"Yeah. I'll see you later?" Olivia asked.

"I'll stop by to say goodnight to the kids and you."


Elliot and his siblings worked hard all day. The yard was cleared, and Elliot and Randy drew up the new idea for the barn and the chicken coop. They were going to go buy the lumber as soon as the house was finished and inspected. Elliot and Olivia didn't want to risk their children's safety by having a house that was repaired but not up to code.

"How is she doing? I know she loves living here, but hates the storms." Randy spoke, as he and Elliot started to mark out the area for the barn.

"Olivia? Uh, well she's not doing great. She was panicking through the whole storm and was freaking out because even if we were in the basement, she was still scared that we would get hurt. It didn't help that Ben and Aaron were standing by the basement windows and exclaiming every time they saw the lightning." Elliot sighed.

"Those two are going to drive Olivia nuts for the rest of her life." Randy chuckled. Elliot nodded in agreement before stopping. He moved slowly over to where they missed a piece of wood before lifting it up. He felt tears spring into his eyes.

"Miss a piece?" Randy asked as he moved over to his brother.

"Olivia and I built this after we bought the land and the house. The barn was built by the two of us... we carved our names into the last piece of wood and this is it. Now I know why she was so upset... we lost almost everything. Thankfully our house is still standing, but for how long?"


Elliot got to Lucy's house later than he had intended. He got out of his car with his bag, because he was going to stay here tonight with his wife and children, and then he headed up the path. He opened the front door and called for his wife.

"Hey." Olivia breathed quietly, as she walked from the living room. She held her stomach as she approached her husband.

"Are you okay, Liv?" Elliot asked.

"I'm just so exhausted. My back and hips ache, but I'm hoping that getting some sleep will help." Olivia spoke. She moved closer to her husband and kissed him a few times before drawing him into the living room. The pull out couch was already made up for Olivia and Elliot, so Elliot slipped his pants off and changed his shirt before laying down beside his wife.

"So we have all of the rubble moved," Elliot spoke, as he slipped his arms around his wife before caressing where Violet was nestled safely within his wife's swell.

"Good. Can you reuse any of the lumber?" Olivia asked quietly.

"No. Well, minus one piece that is going by the front doors." Elliot spoke. Olivia moved his hands down to her hips, and he started to rub them gently before she started to speak.

"What one piece? Because if it's only one piece, we can always just buy it to replace it." Olivia sighed.

"Babe, it's our piece," Elliot spoke.

"Our piece?" Olivia questioned. When they built the barn, it was nearly 11 years ago. Well, it was 11 years ago, going on 12. It had been the first thing they had did together on their own. They had a house, were married, and ready to start a life together.

"The piece that has our names carved into it... I found it earlier. I think it's a sign. From either Grant or God." Elliot spoke. Olivia rolled onto her back as she looked at her husband.

"Really?" Olivia whispered.

"I feel like it's them telling us that everything is okay and will be okay. We have each other, so we can make it through anything." Elliot spoke. Olivia slipped closer to him before pressing several kisses to his lips.

"I hope so... because I'm still so scared of everything that happened and how we will be able to make it through this all."

"Close your eyes. Let's pray." Elliot breathed.

Elliot whispered a prayer for only himself and his wife. Once the words left his lips, Olivia spoke an amen. They snuggled close together as Olivia's brain felt at ease for the first time in a while.

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