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Serena just stared at her daughter as Olivia shoved her hands into the back pockets of her jeans. Neither of them said another word because ten years was a long time. So much had happened in ten years. 

"Your father doesn't want to see you. I don't want to see you." Serena spoke. Olivia nodded before looking back at her SUV and sighed.

"Well, I guess my kids are going to nap on the 11-hour drive home." Olivia sighed. 

"Where do you live?" Serena questioned, and Olivia laughed bitterly.

"If you don't want to meet my kids or talk to me, you won't know where I live. It doesn't matter. So, uh, bye." Olivia huffed. She moved back towards her vehicle and sighed before moving to get in.

"At least use the bathroom and get something to eat. It's a long drive." Serena spoke. Olivia stopped before looking at her mother.

"Are my kids allowed inside, or will they make a mess?" Olivia mused.

"Bring them in. I have plenty."


Aaron and Ben were very shy when they got up from their nap, so all they wanted to do was cuddle with their mother. Olivia held the boys as Serena made lunch. 

"Where are we?" Aaron asked as he looked up at his mother.

"This is the home I grew up in. My parents live here. Your grandparents." Olivia spoke.

"Oh," Aaron replied and Ben was quick to repeat what his brother said.

"Silly boys." Olivia smiled, before kissing the dark hair that covered her youngest's head.

"Do they like milk?" Serena questioned, as she carried a pitcher of milk into the living room with cups in her other hand.

"They love milk. You should tell Miss Serena about the cows we have." Olivia smiled. She helped the boys off her lap before helping Ben drink from his cup. He hadn't drunk from a big boy cup yet, so Olivia needed to prevent any spills.

"Do you live on a farm?" Serena questioned, as she sat down in the rocking chair and crossed her legs.

"We have lots of animals, Miss Serena!" Aaron exclaimed, as he set his cup down and looked for a napkin to wipe his face off with. Serena was impressed by his manners and got into her pocket before handing him her handkerchief.

Aaron wiped the milk from his lips before doing the same to his little brother. He thanked Serena, before sitting back down.

"Where's Daddy?" Olivia asked, as she held Ben close and rocked him a bit. He had his chubby little hands resting against her stomach where they had always found a place. Both boys were so excited to meet their baby brother or sister, even if Elliot and Olivia were sure it was a boy. Again.

"He's at the church. There is a lot happening lately. The congregation has doubled and we had to add on." Serena spoke. Olivia nodded before looking at Aaron.

"What do you do?" He questioned.

"Aaron-" Olivia started to scold, but Serena shook her head and answered.

"I work at the church with Mr. Frank," Serena replied.

"And who are you and Mr. Frank to my Momma?"

"Aaron, they are my parents. They are my Momma and Daddy." Olivia replied.

"Oh, like Gran and Papa are to Daddy!" Aaron exclaimed. Olivia smiled and nodded.

"Yes, smart boy. Now, would you and Ben like to go run around before we head back home?" Olivia asked, and the boys nodded. Serena watched as her daughter stood and led the boys out back. She stood and followed hesitantly, before stopping and walking to the phone. She lifted it up and dialed her husband's number before waiting for him to pick up.

"Hello, dear," Frank spoke.

"Olivia is here with her sons. She's pregnant again. She's also married to Elliot."

"What? She just showed up? Does she need something?" Frank boomed in his office.

"She just wanted to see us... I guess. So come home and see her and the boys before they head back."

"Back to where?" Frank questioned.

"She won't even tell me that."


Serena joined her daughter on the back steps and they sat quietly as the boys ran around. Serena thought that they looked like wild animals as they chased each other, but she did see how caring Aaron was towards his baby brother. How he helped Ben up when he tripped and how he kissed a small bruise on his elbow.

"Why did you wait so long to start a family? I would have expected you to have six kids by now." Serena spoke with a small sigh.

"Our eldest son, Grant, passed away from cancer two years after he was born. We had him the year we got married. So we were married for two years when he passed. Then we waited four years before having Aaron. Two years after him to have Ben. Then we are waiting two years before having this baby." Olivia spoke.

"I didn't know," Serena spoke.

"Of course you didn't know. I ran and never told you." Olivia replied.

"Do you have a picture of Grant?" Serena questioned, and Olivia nodded before grabbing her phone and unlocking it. She showed off a picture of her eldest son to her mother, before brushing a tear from her cheek.

"He had such a sweet face." Serena breathed, and Olivia nodded in agreement. 

"He fought for the full two years he was alive. He passed away on his birthday. We had a party at the house for him with Elliot's family, and I got to hold him when he passed away."

"You will be able to see him in heaven," Serena spoke, and Olivia nodded.

"I know. That makes it easier for us. Uh, so I heard you call Daddy." Olivia spoke.

"You always-"

"I know that I am a disappointment in your eyes, Momma. I have been since you found me sleeping with Elliot. But you can't hold that against Aaron and Ben. Or even this little guy. I came here to try and make amends. Or at least give you a sense of relief to know that I was okay. That I am healthy and happy. If it's going to just hurt you and Daddy more, we will leave. I may stay in town overnight to see my inlaws, but then I'll go back to our farm and pretend like this never happened."

"You left without saying a thing. You didn't even leave a note. You broke our hearts, Olivia. We can never forgive you for that."

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