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Jane was in the hospital until she was 7 months old. She a bit of a set back when part of her intestines went necrotic, but after removing that she ended up getting better again. Olivia and Bernie drove her home and Jane was doing amazing in her car seat. She was kicking her little legs and smiling at her mother. She was still small, but she was doing good for being in the NICU for 7 months and almost dying many times.

"I think that I will really need to head back to church after this experience. I have to thank God for a lot." Olivia spoke from the backseat of her vehicle. Bernie smiled and nodded.

"Joseph and I are staying here for a while so we will join you," Bernie replied.

"We'd love that. I'm just hoping that my parents left. Or at least aren't going to my church anymore. They just love messing everything up, and after what I went through I don't want them messing anything up anymore." Olivia spoke, before reaching over and rubbing Jane's chest as she sucked on her fist. Olivia leaned in and kissed her daughter's forehead.

"We are almost home and I bet those boys are gonna be excited." Bernie grinned and Olivia nodded.

"Oh yeah. They are going to be so freaking excited to be able to finally meet their baby sister and hold her."


Upon arrival at the farm, Jane and Olivia were welcomed home with a big banner and plenty of balloons. The boys were standing out front and clapped when they saw their grandmother's vehicle pull up and park beside their father's truck and their mother's van.

"Daddy, look! Janey and Momma are here! And Grandma!" Aaron cried, and Elliot smiled.

"I'm excited as you are, little guy. I've missed them so much." Elliot breathed. He hadn't been away from his wife for this long. They are usually always together, so being away from each other broke his heart.

"El." Olivia breathed, as she got out of the back of the car. Tears when down her cheeks when she smiled at her husband.

"Hey there, beautiful." He sniffled. He quickly walked over to her and hugged her. They embraced for a while before Elliot kissed his wife deeply.

"It's so nice to be home. And God... Janey is so big! She weighs 14 pounds, so she is just two pounds less than her normal benchmarks." Olivia grinned. She wiped some tears from her husband's cheeks before letting him get Janey out. Olivia quickly walked over and lifted up both boys and held them close. The boys kept talking and talking about how much fun they had had with their father, uncle, and grandfather.

"I wish I could have been here with you all, but I had to be with Jane. I hope you all understand." Olivia spoke, and Ben smushed his mother's cheeks together before smiling.

"We are just happy you are home!"


Three kids was a big change, especially since Jane was a little more high maintenance than her brothers. But with the help of everyone, they managed the first night. Olivia and Elliot settled down together in their bedroom for the first time since Jane was born.

"This was a good night." Elliot smiled, as he reached out and brushed his wife's hair away from her face.

"It was an amazing night. I just loved being able to hear not only Jane's giggles but also the conversations that Ben and Aaron were having with her. She is so very special... our little fighter." Olivia spoke. Elliot nodded in agreement before smiling at his wife. He pulled her close before guiding her hand to his scar.

"I'm special too, right?" He whispered, and Olivia laughed as she gave him a shove. 

"You brat." She giggled as she stood and moved over to where Jane was sleeping deeply in her bassinet. Olivia reached in and caressed her daughter's cheek before turning and looking at Elliot.

"I know that I said I might not want more kids after everything has happened... but I changed my mind. I want more babies that are as cute as the four we have had so far. Grant may have been sick from the start, same with Jane... but God knows what he is doing when he gave us these challenges."

"Is this you also saying that we can go back to church?" Elliot asked, and Olivia nodded.

"I know that I may have to face my parents, but a lot of good has been happening in the middle of the bad. We have Jane and we never thought she'd come home. But she's here and she's sweet. She's amazing."

"We are sweet too." A voice yawned, and Olivia turned and smiled at Ben and Aaron.

"What are you two doing out of bed?" Elliot asked as he stood before walking to his sons. He lifted up the barely awake boys before taking them over to the bed.

"We missed Momma." Ben yawned loudly. Olivia smiled before scooping Jane up and carrying her over to the bed where her family laid.

"We can all cuddle for a bit, but you two and Jane both need to sleep in your own beds," Olivia spoke. She laid Jane between the boys and they both were very gentle with her. They held her hands and kissed her forehead as she snored in her sleep.

"She snores like Daddy." Aaron giggled, and Olivia stifled her laugh as Elliot rolled his eyes.

"She snores like Momma. She sounds like the train at night." Elliot shot back. He smiled at his wife and Aaron smiled back at him.

"I love you." She whispered.

"I love you too." He whispered back. 

This is how everything should be. They should all be able to be together and live day to day life together as a family. 


Everyone fell asleep, but someone knocked on the front door of the house. Olivia slipped Jane into her arms because she would need a bottle soon. Olivia carried her downstairs and laid her in her bouncer before opening the front door. She bit her lip when she saw her mother standing there.

"Mom." Olivia breathed.

"I heard you were home... and I just wanted to come by and tell you that I'm so sorry for what I did. For making you have Jane early... you should have just left me there."

"Val guilt-tripped me into taking you home. And yes, I'm angry about it... but this I can forgive. I still won't forgive how you've treated me in the past." Olivia sighed.

"I didn't tell your father about that night."

"You probably should because he should know what you did. You two don't care about my kids-"

"I love them, Olivia," Serena spoke, and Olivia rolled her eyes before nodding.

"Just like you 'loved' me."

Hey guys! Thanks for reading and please vote and comment all of your feedback below! :D

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