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Olivia and the boys spent the night and most of the morning at Bernie and Joseph's house. Then they had to hit the road again and head home. The boys watched movies and Olivia just focused on getting back home and seeing her husband again. Olivia drove down their driveway at a little after midnight, and she eventually parked next to Elliot's truck and just sat there for several minutes as she thought about leaving Manhattan behind again. This time she didn't want to go back.

"I was wondering when you'd get home. I've been lonely without my family." Elliot spoke, as he opened Olivia's door and looked in at her. Olivia smiled tiredly before reaching out and caressing her husband's cheek.

"I'm so happy to be home. I'm not going back to Manhattan any time soon." Olivia spoke. She slowly leaned in to kiss her husband, but she stopped when she heard the sound of a car engine. She slowly climbed out and she and her husband stared at the car that had came up the driveway.

"Are you expecting anyone this late?" Olivia questioned, and Elliot shook his head.

"No. I wonder who it is." Elliot sighed. He walked away from his wife and towards the old station wagon. He frowned when he looked in and saw Olivia's parents.

"So you followed my wife all the way back here, huh?" Elliot questioned.

"Stabler, we needed to know that she's actually okay. That you aren't abusing those boys and her." Frank growled.

"I would never hurt my children or my wife. I love them too much. I work to protect them every day. I work so hard to assure that they are set." Elliot replied as he kept his cool. Olivia watched as her husband exchanged words with whoever was in the car, and eventually, she just got into the back and lifted Ben from his car seat before carrying him into the house. She did the same for Aaron before heading outside to grab the bags. Her husband was still talking to the people, but she didn't know if she should get involved or not.


After Olivia got the boys changed and put into their beds, she showered and headed downstairs in her pajamas. She stopped when she saw her parents sitting on her sofa, and Olivia's eyes went wide.

"Uh, Momma? Daddy?" Olivia asked, as she pushed her wet hair over her shoulders and it rolled down her back.

"You wouldn't tell us where you lived so we had to find out this way. You should have just told us and we won't have had to drive 11 hours to find your home." Serena huffed as Elliot left the kitchen with a few mugs of coffee.

"Uh, I'm private about my address because I don't want crazy people finding where I live," Olivia spoke, as she motioned towards her parents. Elliot handed the mugs to his wife's parents before resting a hand against Olivia's lower back.

"They just want to talk about something. With me. Why don't you go lay down and get some sleep. I'll be up later." Elliot spoke.

"I want to cuddle, El... please," Olivia begged, but Elliot shook his head. 

"I'll tuck you in. We can cuddle when I come up later." Elliot spoke, before excusing himself and leading his wife up the stairs. They walked into their bedroom and Elliot helped his wife pulling the sheets down.

"They are going to try and hurt you, Elliot. Their words are often hurtful." Olivia spoke, as she stopped and crossed her arms over her chest.

"I know. Your father tried to excommunicate me from your church when I didn't even attend it. He thought he could banish me because you and I gave in to each other." Elliot sighed. He walked around the bed and grabbed Olivia by her hips and drew her in for a light kiss.

"They better be gone by Monday. I don't want them here when we find out the gender of our baby. It's a special thing between us and the boys. We don't need them around to ruin it all." Olivia sighed.

"Then they will be gone by then. Just lay down and get some sleep. You are exhausted so everything feels more intense than it actually is."


Elliot went downstairs after getting Olivia to fall asleep. He had caressed her hair for a while and eventually, she closed her eyes. Elliot ran his hand over the back of his neck as he walked down the short hall and into the living room.

"We want Olivia to come back home and live with us. We want to get her back on the right path and have her marry the man that we want her to marry." Frank spoke honestly. He was standing by the mantel with Olivia and Elliot's latest family picture in his hand. He was squeezing it tightly and the wood frame had started to crack.

"Honestly, sir, you don't get to make that decision. Olivia is her own person and she has the right to decide where she lives, who she marries, and if she wants to have a relationship with you two. You can't decide that and neither can I. She is headstrong, and I let her actually decide what to do with her life. She doesn't have to be the quiet daughter of the pastor anymore." Elliot replied. He was trying to be as respectful as possible, but he hated that his family may be at risk.

"You need to realize that you never got our blessing to marry our daughter. You never talked to us and asked to be her husband. To guide her. You just took her away from us. We never got to meet Grant, and now I bet you plan on keeping those boys away from us too. I'm right, so don't say otherwise." Frank spoke, as he squeezed the frame a bit harder and it broke apart where his fingers had been applying pressure.

"She's free to make her own choices, Mr. Benson. And I won't be urging her to make one or another. So, please take your annoying opinions and your failing scare tactics and get out of my house. Leave my property and shoo."

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