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Olivia and Elliot tried to ignore the fact that Serena and Frank were only staying in town to mess with them. They tried their hardest to just focus on Aaron, Ben, and their daughter. They just needed to focus on the good in their life, instead of the dark and harmful.

"How were their lessons?" Elliot questioned, as he walked into the house with his wife. Olivia was teaching the kids from home, and she wanted to make sure that Ben knew his letters and numbers before he turned 3.

"The boys were tired from the thunderstorm last night so the lessons didn't go as good as I had wanted them to go," Olivia replied as she went to open the door, but her husband did it instead.

"At least they are napping now." Elliot grinned. They walked into the kitchen and Olivia started to wash off the eggs she had gathered as Elliot sat and ran his hands over his face.

"So... are you going to want to go to church Sunday?" Elliot asked. Olivia turned around and shook her head.

"I know we aren't supposed to hold grudges and stuff, but my parents are a completely different thing. I liked our last four Sundays where you have read some passages, we have prayed, and then we just spend the day as a family. It's nice and it's simple. I know this may sound bad, but I do feel scared of being around my parents with the boys and being pregnant. They have been doing things they have never done before." Olivia spoke, as she walked over and put the eggs in the glass carton in the fridge before shutting the door.

"Do you think they may try to hurt you? Like, try and hurt our girl?" Elliot asked, as he grabbed her arm and pulled her to a stop beside his stool. Olivia nodded slowly before a moment.

"I wouldn't be surprised. Uh, so, for now, I'm on lockdown here on our property. You can go to town, but I need you to promise not to force me into town with you." Olivia spoke, before gently touching her stomach as their daughter shifted.

"Do you want to plan something good?" Elliot asked as Olivia walked from the living room and towards the stairs.

"And what would that be?" She asked, as she turned around and smiled at her husband.

"Baby names. Lots and lots of cute baby girl names."


A few nights later, Olivia got a call from Val asking to pick him up from the bar. He had a few too many drinks, and he didn't want to risk hurting himself or hurting someone else. Olivia would have asked Elliot to go, but he was sleeping in the barn with one of their horses that was about to have her foal. So she got dressed and walked to Elliot's truck before heading into the town she hasn't been to in nearly a month.

Olivia got into town and parked outside of the bar before heading inside quickly. She looked around for several moments before seeing Val sitting at a table with Serena. Olivia's eyes went wide because her mother had been sober when Olivia had left and had been for 10 years, but now she's surrounding herself with what makes her even meaner than she is when she's sober.

"Val, time to go," Olivia spoke, as she shoved her hands into the pockets of her sweatshirt.

"Let us give you a ride back to the hotel, Serena," Val spoke before he looked up at Olivia. Olivia shook her head, and Serena sighed.

"Of course you don't even want to help me out." Serena slurred. Olivia sighed.

"And of course you are throwing away your sobriety. You were drunk for the first 8 years of my life, and now you are drunk again." Olivia groaned, before reaching out and touching Val's arm.

"Liv, please. Don't let her drive drunk." Val spoke. Olivia looked at her mother before looking at the bright neon light clock on the wall. She had only been in this bar twice before, never to drink, but always to make sure Val got home safe.

"Walk home," Olivia spoke, before turning and leaving the bar. She stopped outside, and Val walked out and frowned.

"What if she stumbles into the road?" Val asked, as Olivia walked over to the truck and opened the door for him.

"Won't be the first time and won't be the last. She's a drunk, Val. Trust me when I say that she won't die. If she was supposed to die, it would have been after I was born."


"We are in the middle of nowhere, Val! I am the only car parked out here and I didn't see any on the way in. So she'll be fine walking down this road and to the hotel she's staying at. So, get in or I'm leaving you here. I'm pregnant, tired, and angry. Don't push me anymore." Olivia huffed. Val frowned before climbing into the front seat of the truck. Olivia slammed the door before going to walk around to the driver's side, but she stopped herself as she looked at the door.

"Liv?" Val asked.

"I hate you. So much. Move over." Olivia groaned before stomping back towards the bar to get her drunk and mean mother.


Olivia awkwardly wrapped her mom's arm around her shoulders as she helped her stumble towards the hotel room. Climbing the stairs was the hardest part because Olivia was holding up all of Serena's weight.

"Why are you drinking again?" Olivia questioned, as she glanced over at her mother.

"I don't need your judgment." Serena slurred.

"Oh, okay. If you really think so. Don't forget that you are a pastor's wife. At least don't go and binge on booze for fun." Olivia sighed.

"He's a teacher here." Serena sighed, before pointing at the door at the end of the hall.

"Doesn't matter, Mom. Now, can you help a bit? I can barely hold you up." Olivia sighed, before trying to push Serena a bit, but all her weight fell back on her daughter.

"Everything is spinning." Serena laughed. Olivia groaned as they finally made it to the end of the hall, before waiting for Serena to unlock the door. Olivia turned around and stared off the balcony for a moment before Serena stumbled back and fell into Olivia. Olivia's stomach hit the metal railing hard and she swore loudly and slipped down to the ground as Serena fell asleep on the cold cement.

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