21 - TESSA

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IT'S TIMES LIKE THESE that I love the fact I'm small and light.

Being carried and kissed at the same time is one of my all time favourite things in the world, and Jamie is just... so good at it.

Holding me tightly, he bounces his way up the stairs to his bedroom at the top of Rob's house, making me giggle all the way. His mouth is hungry on mine as I hold on to him, his kisses sloppy as he grapples for the door handle before spinning us around and using me to shut the door.

"Make sure it's locked," he breathes into my neck and I sigh as I fumble with my hand for the door handle.

Once I hear the lock click, I grin as Jamie walks us over to his bed.

Aside from yesterday's birthday present, Jamie had been a true gentleman. He had respected that I hadn't been ready, because he knew something might be holding me back, but now there was nothing stopping him.

He rests a knee on the bed as he shuffles me up to the pillows, gently placing my head in between them as I fumble with his trousers. If he'd still been wearing his jeans, the undoing would be easier, but the cord of his trousers keeps besting me.

I pull my lips from his and look down to concentrate on the cord, and while I do that, he pulls off his t-shirt and throws it to the floor. Once I've worked the cord, I roll us over and kiss down his stomach as I pull them down.

Making my way back up, I kiss in his belly button and he flinches, reminding me he's just as ticklish as I am. I kiss him up his chest, on the side of his neck and on his lips before he flips us back over, hovering so his nose is less than a centimetre from mine.

"You're so beautiful," he tells me.

I look up at him and his gorgeous blue eyes are almost black with how blown out his pupils are. I bite my lip at the attention before leaning up to kiss him again, moaning appreciatively as he purposefully rocks his crotch against mine.

I sigh as he does it again, already feeling like I could explode just from this, before he shuffles down me. I lift my hips to help him get my trousers down, whilst I awkwardly undo my own bra and after a few seconds, he's back, hovering centimetres over me.

He's looking at me again as if I were a dream, like he can't believe I'm real, so I put a soft hand on his cheek and smile up at him, telling him silently that I am here, and that I love him.

When he looks down between us, the last item of clothing we have to remove are his boxers. Instead of letting me do it, he stands and takes them off himself, moving over to his dresser quickly to grab something out of the drawer.

"Do you want to get under the covers?" he asks softly and I nod, biting my lip.

It didn't matter to me really, but I think it makes him more comfortable, so I quickly shuffle sideways under the duvet, allowing him space to get in next to me. As he does, he seems nervous somehow, so I put another soft hand on his cheek and smile across at him, telling him silently to take his time. Despite the heightened sexual tension between us, I don't want to rush it either.

It's quiet as we lie here, just the sound of the traffic outside, but it isn't awkward. I love just being with him. I don't have to fill any silences with him, and the conversations Jamie and I can have with our eyes are just as good as the ones we can have with our mouths. I'm starting to understand what he's thinking, what he likes, what he doesn't like. But what I truly love is that, despite being the one to make the first move back in that bar all those weeks ago, he really is just a sensitive ball of cuddles.

"Thank you for telling me," he says quietly, his voice barely a whisper. The only reason I hear it is because it is so quiet between us.

I nod, not knowing what else to say. I half expect him to suddenly admit something himself, but instead, he holds the condom packet between us and smiles shyly.

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