85 - TESSA

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AS WE WANDER TOWARDS the exit, I can feel some kind of strength and calm wash over me.

With each step, I feel stronger, and I could feel Danny trying to hold me back as I try to push the trolley faster, towards what awaited. Towards Archie.

"You ready?" Charlotte asks me before we head through into arrivals.

I give her a quick nod and a smile, looping my arm through hers as we push through the double doors. Following the stream of people in front of us, we come out in JFK airport's huge arrival hall.

It's busy, really busy. People are running towards their loved ones as they spot them, people shouting at airport staff about missing their flights, people in huge groups, waiting for a glimpse of arriving friends or family members. I wasn't really paying attention, I was looking for those familiar buttery, caramel eyes and the brown-haired boy who left all those years ago.

For a few minutes, I don't see him, but as I look directly ahead, my heart stops as he comes into view as a family moves out of their embrace.

He's holding four coffees and a solitary daisy in his hands, and tears prick my eyes as his lock on mine. After hours of feeling unsure and terrified of what to expect, just seeing him standing here fills me with more strength than I've ever had. Without thinking for a second, I abandon Charlotte and Danny as I run as fast as I can, straight into his open arms.

He sniffs as I tighten my grip, lacing and stroking my fingers through the softly shaved hair at the back of his head, stroking his broad shoulders with the other. I close my eyes as he tucks his face into my neck, squeezing me tightly as I feel a tear drop down my cheek. He sniffs again as I pull away, clearing his throat as he wipes his own eyes as we both remember there are two other people here, not just us.

Charlotte and Danny are the only people I could be so open with, and as she puts an arm around me, I know she doesn't blame me for the reaction and I love her so much for it.

"Arch, you're looking great!" she says before he can say anything.

"You've caught me on a good day," he chuckles, giving me the daisy before he turns to give Danny a one-armed hug. "Danny, you look great mate!" He looks at him before he turns back to Charlotte. "And Charlotte. You look beautiful. A blushing bride, in time for December," he adds before he turns to me.

"And me?" I ask, unable to help myself.

He smiles, clearly thinking about what "Tess, there are no words. You look amazing... and it's so good to see you." He bites his lip as he flicks the bottom of my hair, which I had pulled out of its tie after we went through security.

My cheeks redden as I look at the ends. "It needs a cut really."

He smiles but then seems to remember what he's holding. "Flat white for Danny, hot chocolate for Char, espresso for me, and then an oat milk chai for Tess. Extra shot."

"You remembered?" I smile wider, taking a slurp. It was truly delicious.

"Right. We ready to go?" he asks us.

"Definitely!" Danny responds with enough enthusiasm to cover all of us.

Danny puts an arm around my shoulders but I frown as Charlotte keeps Archie back. He laughs at something she said, but a few minutes later, he's leading us to the car park.


CHARLOTTE AND DANNY INSIST I sit up front with Archie, despite my protesting. However, once we're on the Interstate, and a conversation strikes up between the three of them, I use it as my time to examine him... to try and work out how much had changed.

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