50 - TESSA

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AS UNCONSCIOUSNESS TAKES ME, I am suddenly somewhere else entirely.

Instead of being in our front room, I am in some kind of marble-lined lobby of an apartment building. Instead of Nelly sitting next to me, holding my hand, there is now a tall man dressed in a sharp, black uniform with a badge I don't recognise. Instead of being night time, I can see the sunlight streaming in through the glass windows in front of me. I can hear someone on the phone, and I'm praying he is on the phone to an ambulance because the amount of blood is unsettling, even after my monster nose bleed.

It all feels very odd, and as I look down, I realise my hands are different. They're larger, much larger, and more masculine than mine. I study myself further, realising I'm wearing different clothes. No longer in Captain America pyjamas, I'm now in a pair of blue chino shorts and white shirt, which are now both spattered with blood.

I try to shake my head, to try to snap myself out of it, but when they don't change or make things any clearer, I focus on something else. Something closer. I focus on a scar on the leg of whoever the person is, and my whole body goes cold. It's a scar I would recognise anywhere, because I had been there when it happened.

I'm not looking at myself.

I'm looking at Archie.

It's Archie who is hurting, his body that's breaking, and all I can do is watch as the scene unfolds in front of my eyes, through his eyes.

I shake my head. It's too freaky to even try to comprehend.

I touch my arm - Archie's arm - and I feel the sensation of his skin beneath my own fingers. I can smell the metallic smell of the blood gushing from his nose, as well as taste it, just as I had with my own nosebleed. I can smell the blood on our hans, and the cleaning agent on the squeaky floor. I can see, hear, smell, touch and taste everything going on in Archie's surroundings, and it only solidifies my theory from before.

I didn't want to believe it last time, but now? I mean, what I was seeing is evidence enough, although how I was going to be able to explain this to anyone? I had no idea.

I try to call out to him, but I can't. I want to tell him to hang on, to hold on for me, to keep fighting. I want to tell him that I'm with him, that I'll always be with him... but as my vision goes black again, I'm pulled away from him before I get the chance to.


"TESSA?" I HEAR A voice in the darkness, calling out to me.

I mumble something and I hear a sigh of relief.

"Tess, can you hear us?" A different voice says quietly next to my ear. "Tess, honey?"

It's Nelly. I move my arm but I groan when something sharp pulls at the crook of my elbow.

"Jesus Christ!" She hugs me harder after I open my eyes and I wish I hadn't. I look an absolute state. "You gave us all a fucking fright!"

I roll my head to the side, taking in my surroundings. I notice I have a large gauze pack pressed up against my nose, and everything feels drained and heavy. I can't see much past the gauze, but from what I can see, my clothes are completely ruined and covered in blood.

"What... happened?" I ask feebly. I don't even bother fighting the paramedic next to me, despite the large needle she's holding.

Nelly grips my hand, distracting me from it. "Thank god you're okay. We have no idea what happened... One minute you were with us and the next it was like you were possessed!"

"Poss-" I frown and look around, realising I seem to be in the back of an ambulance. "Where..." I close my eyes as nausea washes over me again.

"We're just headed to the hospital," Nelly tells me. "Tess, you scared me. Scared us both. Fuck, it was terrifying."

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