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I woked up the next morning with the sun in my face and Selena still asleep. So I turned my phone on and It's got so many missed calls and voicemail which is most of them came from Mia. I was going to listen to the voice mail until I feel Selena waking up off of my chest.
"Buenos dias rob (Good morning Rob)" She yawned.
"Buenos días nena, ¿cómo duermes anoche? (Good morning babe, how is your sleep last night)?" I asked.

"Anoche dormí bien gracias a ti (I slept good last night thanks to you)" She said as she kissed my chest. She right, I had her going loco (crazy) until she can't feel her legs no more last night. I continue hold her until she got up out of the bed so she can use the bathroom. While she in the bathroom, my phone start ringing and it's was Mia. I don't really want to talk to her but I answered it to see what the hell do she wants.

Phone Convo
Robert: ¿Qué demonios quieres Mia? (What the hell do you want Mia)
Mia: Really Rob, you going to talk to me like that?
Robert: You godamn right I'm talking you like that, you called me countless times knowing that I don't want to play your little mind games
Mia: Oh let me guess, it's that Selena bitch right
Robert: What the hell are you talking about Mia?
Mia: You know what I'm talking about, you ain't banging that ugly ass Dominican bitch with the annoying ass voice
Robert: Sabes qué, me estoy bajando de este maldito teléfono, estás actuando como una perra loca en este momento (You know what, I'm getting off of this damn phone, you acting like a crazy bitch right now)
Phone Convo over

After I got off of the phone with my crazy ass girlfriend, I feel Selena wrapped her arms around me as her perfume hits my nose and she wearing the pink sweatsuit with the word "PINK" in white print.
"Estas bien bebe (Are you okay baby)?" She asked as she rubbed my back.
"Si. es mi chica volviéndome loco ahora (Yes, it's just my girl driving me crazy)" I said since she called me with her hypocrisy since she the ones who cheating herself.

"Va a estar bien mientras lo mantengas entre y yo (It's going to be okay as long you keep it in between me and you)" She said as she rubbed my back. I don't know why Mia think that Selena got an annoying voice which is it's not. Yes, her Dominican accent is thick but it's less annoying than Cardi B since she only got famous because of the ratchet ass show that don't do nothing but make black people and Latina like me look bad.

She continue confront me until we both got hungry so I told Selena to wait on me so I can get freshen up. Selena she give me an back rub more often because that what I need to keep my mind off of the DNA drama with Mia.

I'm at work on the normal Sunday just sweeping up the floor after Camila went home last night. Why did she go home you may asked, she going to the church and Sunday dinner with her grandma who stays at Queens. She said she'll called me when I get off since she don't want to interrupted my work schedule. While I'm sweeping up the floor, I saw Alejandro and Aisha walking in the store.

"Sup man" He said as he gave me an dap.
"Sup Al, ¿qué estás haciendo y tu chica? (Sup Al, what you and your girl is up to)?" I asked as Aisha waving at me.
"No mucho, solo nos relajamos después de que Aisha llegó a casa de la iglesia hace un par de horas (Not much, we just chilling after Aisha got home from church a couple of hours ago)" He said since his girl is an Christian. I ain't been to church like that in the while because I got to go to work around that time. The only way I go to church is on the Wednesday night which is I be off sometimes.

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