Chapter 5 First Patrol

Start from the beginning

Selene opened her sea-green eyes and blinked; she had just had a disturbing dream about Emmett. That they had been making out in the valley right before he bit her, but he didn't drain her, he had marked her as his mate. Selene shuddered at the image.

“Are you okay,” Leah asked.

“Yeah, I had a nightmare.”

Leah nods, and places the tray on Selene's lap, “You need to hurry, Seth's school lets out in a little while.”


Selene eats her lunch, then checks her wound. The wound had healed over nicely, and the scar was barely noticeable. Selene quickly took a shower then changed. She made her way downstairs and threw her keys at Leah, “You drive.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah, of course.”

They got in the Land Rover and drove down to Seth's school. Leah glanced at her sister, “How did you afford the Land Rover?”

“Pirate treasure I found in the ocean,” Selene said with a smirk.

Leah nods, “Right.”

They arrived at the school, and Seth said goodbye to Brady and Collin and jumped into the SUV. He smiled at his sisters and greeted them warmly, “Hi, Sel, hi, Leah.”

“Hey, Seth,” The girls' answer.

“How was school, Sethy?” Selene inquired.

“It was good; I have a ton of homework, you think you can help me?”

“If you have math homework, yes. Leah will have to help you with the rest. Unless you're studying about Ancient Greece,” Selene said with a laugh.

“Well, I do have a history project due, and the teacher said we could choose any time in history; I chose Ancient Greece.”

Selene turned to look at Seth; she smiled at him, “No problem, Seth, I'll help you with that.”

“Thanks, Sel.”

When they got home, Sue was back from work and was in the kitchen working on dinner, Selene went into the kitchen to help her mom with dinner. As they were cooking, Selene told her mom about the gold that she found in a ship, “Mom, I want you to have it.”

Sue looked at her daughter, “No, Selene, I can't accept that it's yours.”

“But, Mom, I got it to help my family, sure I bought a few things for myself, but the rest I want you to have, especially now that Dad's gone. I don't want you to struggle.”

“I appreciate that sweetheart; I tell you what, why don't we half it?”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, it's only fair.”

“Okay, I'll transfer the money to your account tomorrow.”

After that, the two women finished preparing dinner while Leah set the table. They had a lovely dinner while Seth told them how school went. Once dinner was over, Selene helped Seth with his math and then his history project. When Seth went to bed, they got a call from Sam.

“Selene, it's time for you to come on patrol with me.”

“I'll be there in a little bit,” Selen told him and hung up.

Leah and Selene told Sue that they were leaving and headed out to Sam's house. When they got there, the rest of the pack was waiting for them outside of Emily's house. Sam had already assigned partners for their patrol, Leah was paired with Jared this time, and they were going to patrol the North end of the Reservation while Sam and Selene would patrol the South end of the Reservation. Sam wanted Selene to see precisely where the treaty line was with the Cullens.

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