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The mission Shigaraki had mentioned was going to start soon, everyone was getting ready. We had to go into a building and absolutely obliterated it, the people in the building started making records of everything they needed to know about our group. Almost all of the information was kept on the computers at the top floor.

' Me Dabi and Y/n will go to the top floor and dispose of everyone up there, the rest of you will stay on the bottom floor and make sure no one escapes or enters ' Shigaraki announced

Kurogiri made a portal for us to go threw to get there. Once we get in Shigaraki tells us the basics of what's going on, but one thing was annoying you.

'Why haven't they released the information yet' You asked Shigaraki

' they want money for the information, that's why the information hasn't been given out yet' Shigaraki answered.

How stupid. It's really unfortunate how greedy people can be. Though it is fortunate for us.

'We're hereeeeee' Spinner announced

' Once you get the mission done come back to this exact spot, I cannot teleport you into or out of the building' kurogiri said. Well that's great

We got out of the portal, we where behind the building. It was at least 20 stories high and in mint condition. Shigaraki, Dabi and I climbed up the ladder leading up to the roof. While everyone else stayed back. There was a door leading into the building, it was probably used for people that smoked. Shigaraki kicked down the door and walked in.

' Don't let anyone get away ' Shigaraki commanded walking down the stairs. Once we got to the door we could hear people talking and laughing, they were having a party...


Dabi walked in and blasted his fire at some of the people burning them severely. Everyone started screaming and running around.

' kill everyone!! ' Shigaraki shouted

Your time to shine

And so you did. You summoned multiple blood blades and shot them at the people around, they screamed in pain. Dabi burned anyone who tried to get passed him through the door to Ash. Shigaraki went into a room with multiple computers and TVs, he turned everything to dust not leaving anything remaining.

' there's one a few people left up here, kill them and let's get out of here' Shigaraki said walking towards us. You summoned a few more blood knifes and killed the people around you but then you heard sniffling. There was a little girl sitting in the corner, she was shaking aggressively. She was holding her head in her hands and curled up in a ball. You took a few steps toward her which made her look up at you. Pure terror covered her face.

' please... don't kill me I beg of you, I promise I won't tell anymore' she whispered

You walked up to her and Kneeled down in front of her, she was so scared. There was no point in killing her anyway, she's only around eight years old her mind will cover this up. She probably won't even remember this fully.

' I'm not going to hurt you but you need to get out of this building, that guy over there is going to burn it down so sneak away' you said reassuringly. You patted her head, you got up and walked over to where Shigaraki and Dabi were.

'Let's go' Dabi groaned

You all walked down the stairs of the building, Dabi set every floor on fire as you walked by. Once you got to the bottom floor you saw over 50 dead bodies on the floor. Blood was everywhere.

' LETS GO!!!!!' Twice shouted running threw the building to get to the back.  Sirens started blaring from a distance. You all ran after Twice, once we got out the door guns started firing. You ducked down but Shigaraki wasn't fast enough, 2 bullets shot him in the shoulder. He kneeled down to the ground, Holding his shoulder.

' EVERYONE GET READY TO GO' You shouted alerting everyone

You stood up and made a blood wall, as hard as Iron. It was about 6 feet tall and 20 centimetres thick. Just enough to completely stop the bullets. You helped Shigaraki up and swung his arm over your shoulder, everyone ran over to where Kurogiri said to be.


Everyone hit the floor of the bar

' OW MY ASS' You shouted


BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA everyone bursted out laughing

'Now that was funny' twice giggled out

Everyone stood up, Kurogiri helped Shigaraki with his bullet wounds.

' Nice Move back there y/n ' Dabi said with a huge smirk on his face

' I've never got to use my quirk like this before so it's quite fun ' You said with a proud smile on your face.

' Your starting to finally get used to being a villain!!! Congratulations y/nnnnn' Toga screeched clapping her hand together.

It seems I am getting used to it

825 words

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