Chapter 11

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I'm really really sorry for updating so late! I had an examination (Math) and I had to study hard for at least my fav subject... I will get back on track soon really, sorry again for the inconvenience!

Trigger warning: Violence, swearing (just f word) and gore. I suppose.

I had a very weird dream.

I was wandering around in a deserted forest, listening for any signs of noise. It was strange how it was so silent.

I didn’t know where I was heading to. In fact, I didn’t even recognise this forest. 

Faster,” the trees seemed to whisper and eventually began screaming as I ran frantically.

You have to go faster than that, way too slow!” a squirrel slapped me with its tail and ran off.

I was panting as I seemed to reach my unknown destination. There were 10 trees surrounding one gigantic tree, one that I definitely didn’t recognise, mainly because it was glowing gold.

There was a small door at the front of the tree and instinctively I stepped in. 

I was in a bright room with many LED lights decorating the walls, a bed, cupboard and a small desk. On the desk there was a picture of Tenko and me, smiling and looking jubilant. 

There were two other photos of him and me, alone, with his numerous hands on his body, which he didn’t wear around me so much that I forgot they even existed. Me, smiling sadly as a building collapsed around my frame. This was one thing I recognised; it was the Endeavour Agency that denied me like all people, the time when I first saw Tomura and got the will to live as he encouraged me on.

The picture of us, one of Tenko and one of me, they all formed a triangle. And inside the triangle was a shining, gold treasure box. This time, I was in full control of my body and I chose to open it in plain curiosity.

“Oh,” I sighed as a small baby cried. He or she stopped crying as soon as I lifted him/her up into my arms. 

The tree suddenly began speaking and the walls vibrated since we were basically inside the tree.

Great…risk….Still..chose…’s your….choice now….GET RID OF IT.

"What the fuck?"

I gasped loudly as the baby disappeared and the tree consumed me. Sweating profusely, I sat upright in fear and I realised that it was 4:43 in the morning.

I shuddered as I remembered a horror story about bad things suddenly happening at 4:44. 

It’s okay, Tomura’s right next to me, I thought as I stroked his pale blue hair. He had apparently squeezed in closer to me at night and his *privates* were rubbing my stomach.

I was in no mood for lust. I was kind of scared because of the loud noise the tree had made, not that I was scared of loud noises, but sometimes I found myself getting reminded of my father when someone yelled at me. Because the yelling was always accompanied by lashes after lashes of getting whipped and caned for hours, it was normal for anybody to get traumatised after getting this treatment for years.

“Princess are you okay?” Tenko’s raspy voice brought me back to reality.

“Princess? That’s new,” I forced out a laugh and tried to hide my anxiety.

He lifted a brow (he has none though) and pushed my chin up with an index finger.

“Don’t lie, sweetie,” he whispered and soon made a puppy face.

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