Chapter 10- Dandelions

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warning, 18+ in case you don't like lemon :)

“Tomura..? Get up…Tomura?” I whispered at the limp body. Why didn’t I notice; I ignored the smell of blood since I knew Tomura had just killed off a hero, and I didn’t bother smelling carefully. Why?

I could feel tears stain my cheeks as I stared at the long piece of jagged glass sticking out from Tomura’s backside.

I forced Tomura’s hand upwards and let his cold fingers touch the piece of glass, decaying it instantly. I cleaned the wound after checking for pulses, though it was very faint. Stitching the gaping wound up, I sniffed and leaned onto his chest, being comforted by his heartbeat.

“Don’t you die on me. Don’t you dare. I’ll hate you forever if you do, please…wake up, Shiggy…” I choked out into his neck, holding his hand tightly and hoping the erratic thumping of his pulse wouldn’t go silent.

“Don’t. Die,” I muttered again, pressing his chest slightly.

“I won’t.”

I lifted up my head quickly and tears blinded my eyes again.

“You idiot! Why were you hiding your wounds from me?” I screeched, pinching his thighs.

“O-ow! That hurts, hon!” he groaned as he collapsed onto the bed again. I poked his stomach timidly and he gave a muffled groan as a response.

“I’m okay, alright? Don’t worry, y/n, I’m not dying from a mortal wound,” he forced out a smile.

“Baka. You’re someone who’d usually whine and complain that you’re gonna die. Don’t lie, it hurts, doesn’t it? You do feel like overreacting and thinking you’ll die, right?” I questioned, kissing his hand. “Don’t be so withdrawn, promise me to tell me everything…”

“Okay, I promise. You seemed pretty annoyed with my whines so I stopped, okay? And I don’t want to make you worried,” he mumbled.


He shut my mouth by handing me a red rose. “From the backyard, I spotted one.”

I smiled and took it. “Thank you.”

“Would you like to go on a date with me tomorrow?” his sudden question took me by surprise.

“O-okay, sure, I mean, I’d love to..” I blushed and gave him a tentative kiss on his lips before tucking him into bed.

[date at a hotel]

“Dress nicely.”

This simple sentence was driving me crazy as I threw my clothes everywhere, muttering ‘no’ and ‘something else’ as I frowned at my suddenly ugly-looking shirts.

“I mean, of course, you’re gorgeous enough already, so don’t be too bothered with clothes, okay?”

I sighed in dismay and settled on a white turtleneck with a soft brown trench coat along with tight jeans. 

I walked into the bar and Kurogiri teleported me to the hotel.

“Woah,” I gasped as I stared around at the magnificent hotel. I mean, sure, I practically grew up in a mansion since both my parents were pro heroes, but this hotel was on a different level.

I was waiting for Tomura to come in, sitting on a red velvet couch and relaxing.

Suddenly, the door opened, and Tomura in a suit stepped in.

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