"Get out" Lena whispered; Junior didn't move. "Didn't you hear me?"

"I'm here to talk" said Junior, returning to his usual self.

"Get out of here Junior before I start screaming"

"You wouldn't do that" said Junior, Lena saw sadness in his eyes but she was over his act of playing the victim when he had been the one ignoring her for months.

"Maybe you don't know me that well Junior" hissed Lena "I want you to get out of my room now"

"We aren't done talking" Junior pleaded.

"Get out" said Lena "I am done talking to you today"

"Can I come back later?" he asked, he looked at her with sweet eyes.

"We'll see" she whispered, she turned to the door and pointed at it "Now, get out"

Junior looked at Lena and walked towards the door, he pulled it opened and stepped out, he turned to look at her, and she was there, sitting on her bed looking at him.

"I didn't mean to scare you"

"Well, you didn't do a good job at that either"

Junior looked at her and turned around, he closed the door and Lena heard him walking down the stairs; her heart started to go back to its normal pace.


On Monday, Meghan could see that Lena was lost in her thoughts, the girl was barely talking and Meghan had the impression that Lena wasn’t listening fully to all the things she had been telling her; so after a few more minutes of trying to make conversation, Meghan decided to stop and just work in silence with her friend, who obviously seemed distressed about something.

“Junior came by during the weekend” Lena said after lunch.

“What did he say?” asked Meghan as she looked at her friend.

“He wanted to talk about our kiss” whispered Lena “We kissed at the party”

“The party I was followed to by Jonathan” she added in her mind.

“You kissed him?!” Meghan exclaimed “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I was trying to pretend nothing happened” explained Lena, “So he came over and we had a fight”

“Are you ok?” asked Meghan, she looked at Lena, but the girl was looking down at the cash register.

“We were screaming and then… she made a pause and looked at Meghan “His eyes”

“What about his eyes?” asked Meghan, her heart was pounding fast.

“They looked crazy” Lena explained “Like it wasn’t Junior anymore, he was just looking at me with this scary ass eyes”

Meghan and Lena stood there looking at each other and Meghan felt the hair on the back of her neck stand up; she swallowed and Lena continued.

“I’ve never been afraid of Junior” she glanced at the glass door and then back at Meghan “Until that day, you should have seen him Megs, it was as if I was looking at a sick person”

“He is sick” thought Meghan “I just don’t know what he is sick with”

“Lena” whispered Meghan “You shouldn’t get back together with him”

“I know” said Lena “I just, at the party I thought everything was back like it was in high school, you know?”

“It never is” said Meghan. “Remember what your mother told us a few years back?”

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