"A little tired, but I'm okay. How are you feeling?" For the past two days, all she has been doing is throwing up. I felt so bad for her.

"I feel amazing." She beams."I was surprisingly able to eat something without throwing it back up."

"That's good. I'm glad you're feeling better."

Ally sighs. "Me too girl, me too. You know how much I love my food."

"I sure do," I laugh. She's the reason why I have to buy groceries all the time. And it has only got worse since she got knocked up.

"What time is Alex coming?" She asks.

Hopefully soon!

I glance up at the clock. "Well, the doctor said that he would be in to check on him around noon, so he could be home any minute now.

Ally nods and looks around the room. "I see that you finally cleaned. I don't think I have ever seen your house so unorganized before."

See, I told you so!

"Yeah," I sigh. "I just finished before you got here."

I swear... if I ever let my apartment get that dirty again, I will rip my hair out.

"And how's he doing?" She nods towards Max.

"It's amazing, Ally. He walks around here like nothing has happened." I think his pain meds have a lot to do with that.

"I bet he misses him."

"He definitely does. Every time I mention Alex's name he wags his tail. Sometimes I think that he's part human," I laugh.

"How come you didn't go?"

Is she serious? Did we not just discuss how trashed my apartment was? I couldn't let him walk into a disaster.

I don't bother answering her and push myself off the couch. Sometimes I wonder about that girl.

I walk into the kitchen and open the oven. The smell of lasagna floods my nostrils and my stomach growls.

Ally walks up behind me and sniffs the air. "What smells so good?"


Lasagna is actually my least favorite dish.

Not because I don't like it, because I do. I just don't like the work that goes into it.

But since Alex requested it, I caved.

"Oh yum!" She pats her stomach. "I can't wait to eat."

I roll my eyes. Of course, she can't.

I grab the oven mitt and pull the lasagna out of the oven, placing it on top of the stove.

"Could you set the table?" I ask and she nods. "And grab a few more. I'm not sure if his parents are going to stay and eat."

"Speaking of parents, what's going on with that? I mean is she still cool with you?"

"Yeah, we talked on the phone for over an hour last night." I almost forgot about that. She called me out of the blue.

"About?" Ally prices.

"Just stuff about Alex."


I'm nervous. It's almost three and they're still not here. I had to stop myself several times from calling.

I hope everything is okay!

Maybe they decided to have him stay with them!?

No... they would have called! Right?

God, I hate this shit!

"Will you just stop and sit down? You're making me fucking nervous," Ally says. I didn't even know I was pacing.

"What if something happened?" I'm a worst-case-scenario type of person.

"They would have called," Ally counters.

Not necessarily. "You don't know that!"

Ally groans. "I'm sure someone would have called by now. Maybe they got stuck in traffic!? You know, stuff like that happens.


"God, why don't you just call them all ready?" Ally whines and tosses me my phone.

I fumble with it for a moment.

"If you don't... I will," she warns.

Yeah, I could just imagine how that conversation would go.

Not good!

"Fine," I groan and plop back down on the couch. "What should I say? I don't want to sound all... desperate."

"Just tell him dinner is getting cold. You wouldn't be lying."

"You just want to eat," I chuckle.

"I'll tell you this. If he doesn't show up soon, I'm eating," she says and walks into the kitchen.

I believe her.

I shake my head and unlock my screen. I find his number and hover my thumb over it.

Just when I was about to hit a call, someone knocked on the door.

I jump when Max starts barking. It's the first time he has barked like that. "Jesus Max, you scared the hell out of me."

"Told you he would come," Ally calls from the kitchen.

"Shut up!" I say and make my way to the door. Max is hot on my trail. "Are you ready to see Daddy?"

I know I sure am.

I swung the door open, expecting to see Alex, only it wasn't him.

"Hey, sweetheart! How are you?"



Thanks for reading! Yeah, I know... another short chapter. Still... I hope that you enjoyed it!

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