Sometimes she just needed a minute to breathe. To let things off her chest without fear of judgement. She sighed, her lips tugging up as she narrowed her eyes at Finn.

"I haven't spoken with you like this since—"

"Year Eight."

Alice's smile fell. "Yeah."

The room fell silent. Alice's gaze fell to her lap where she fought the urge to fiddle her thumbs—a flash of a deportment class ripped through her mind, her Russian teacher screaming, "Ladies do not fiddle zeir tumbs", a ruler whacked against her fingers.

"Well." Cauley interrupted their silence. "Don't you have a soiree to get to?"

Alice considered, then pushed her heels off and curled her legs onto the mattress. "They won't miss me."

Finn's brow raised and he scanned her with an impressed look. A smirk grazed his lips, his cheek dimpling in the lopsided smile.

"I didn't see Emily here today."

Alice quirked a brow. "Oh, so she's Emily now? You two are on a first name basis?"

Finn narrowed his eyes at her and said nothing, raising a brow.

"She's studying for that chemistry exam. She needs to do good in this one to make up for the last one," Alice said finally. She sent him a pointed look. "Speaking of which, shouldn't you be studying for that instead of making small talk at a party you hate?"

"I have a 100 in chemistry, actually," he said smugly, brow raised. "Shouldn't Emily be here, comforting her best friend that's currently under torment?"

Alice's smile fell, and her gaze moved to her lap once more. Finn watched her, then blinked in realisation.

"She doesn't know. Does she?"

"Actually, no one knows." Her eyes flickered up to meet his—unreadable. "Except you."

"I'm honoured."

"Shut up. If I had a choice, you wouldn't know either."

He was silent for a second, then, "Why doesn't she know?"

Alice sighed. "She wouldn't understand." She paused, taking in the silence before continuing. "She'd just tell me to tell my parents. She thinks because I'm a Travers, all my problems can disappear with the snap of my fingers."

Finn nodded, silent, waiting for her to continue.

"She doesn't get it. Neither does Theo. I've never been... so hated. If my parents knew..."

"They'd blame it on you."

Alice nodded. "My whole life I was raised to learn how to be liked. You know, all those deportment lessons. All those politesse and etiquette lessons. All these stupid parties. It was all to be liked."

"And if your parents found out, they'd say you were the one who's wrong."

Alice met his eyes. He searched her expression.

"I'm trying to ignore it," Alice said finally. "But I don't think it's going to go away."

Finn nodded. His brow furrowed as he thought. He pursed his lips, noticing the sag in her shoulders, then quirked a brow and sent her a smirk.

"This party sucks, let's get out of here."

Alice blinked, then scoffed. "This is my party."

His smirk grew wider. "Exactly."

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